CHARACTERS : How you met them PT. 2

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{ TW: Cursing }

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{ TW: Cursing }


After a midnight meal at the local hot diner in a town you were hunting Vampires in, you found yourself walking down the parking lot, towards your vehicle to exit the scene. That was until you were aggressively yanked by the arm, and dragged into the darkness of an alleyway. You fought back with all your might, kicking and slapping, but nothing was good enough. It took the perpetrator seconds to knock you out clean, to avoid any screaming or commotion.


With a groggy state of mind, your eyes fluttered open to be met with even more darkness than your closed eyelids. You couldn't make out a feature in the area you were in, let alone see the fact that you were neatly tied up to a chair. But you could feel the rope rubbing the skin of your wrists quite raw...

You make attempts to look around the room, squinting your eyes to hopefully see something. That was before you heard a click, and suddenly everything was too bright. Considering you had a headache from hell.

"Ah, ah, ah. You're finally awake darling!" Without even looking at the character in question, you could immediately tell who your kidnapper was by the accent. Crowley. What business did he have yanking you from your hunt, and into a dark room? Especially tied up to a chair.

Now, you'd never actually met Crowley, but you'd definitely heard his distinct voice before. It could be spotted out of a thousand others, really easily.

"Oh, Crowley. I should've known," You sighed, upset that you were in such a predicament with the demon. "When will you realize kidnapping me won't get you anywhere?"

He chuckles, making a chill run up your backside. His laugh was malicious. As was his whole demeanor. Everything about him was evil, and you hated being around him, especially with the tales you'd heard straight from the mouths of the Winchester Brothers.

"I'm not worth the hassle. But I know you're not here for me. You want the Winchesters. You'll know they'll come after me, and that's when you'll be able to get at them. Smart move. But what you don't know is that you're completely wrong. I'm sure they suspect what you're up to. So I wouldn't get your hopes up too high." You snapped towards the demon, glaring daggers over at him. If looks could kill, he'd be six feet under.

Crowley would admit, he liked how feisty you were. This was his first time meeting you, the Winchester's prized possession of a friend, and he was not disappointed. Truthfully, he expected a scared little hunter. But you were way more than that. "You think I want those two? I just like the idea of watching the Winchesters squirm trying to find you safe. It entertains me." He let out an actual laugh this time, which irked you to the core. You could feel your blood boiling as you struggled in the restraints he had you in. But if you were out of them, you would damn sure be injuring him by now.

"Just wait until I find my way out of here. You'll be sorry that you even laid your filthy hands on me!" You threatened, angrier than you had ever been. It hadn't been fifteen minutes and he was already getting under your skin. Something he was quite known for doing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2022 ⏰

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