Chapter 12 : Power Incarnate

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In the heart of the Woods, a legendary warrior stirred, his presence radiating an aura of overwhelming strength. Vincent, the Aurora Blade, stood tall, his eyes aglow with an inner fire. But he was not alone. Four enemies emerged from the shadows, their eyes fixed on him with a mix of dread and determination.

"I am Khaos," said the first, his voice like thunder. "And you, Vincent, are a legend come to life."

The second, a woman with a voice like a siren, spoke next. "I am Lyra. We've heard so much about your skills, Vincent. It's time to see if they're truly worthy of your reputation."

The third, a towering figure with thorny limbs, introduced himself as Kael. "You're a hard man to find, Vincent. But now that we've got you, we're not going to let you go."

Finally, the fourth enemy, a man with the power to control the stars, spoke up. "I am Zarek. And I will be the one to take you down, Vincent."

Vincent smiled, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Bring it on. I've been waiting for a challenge."

And with that, the battle began, Vincent's Phantom Limb ability humming in the background like a battle cry. The four enemies launched a coordinated assault, their abilities combining in a chaotic dance. But Vincent was no ordinary warrior. He was the Aurora Blade, and he would not go down without a fight.

Sparrow felt his five minutes of rest was enough, he began to wander out into the forest clearing, he walked for what felt like ten minutes to him, his aching body hurt with each step. Sparrow felt a familiar presence nearby and gazed out to the forests edge near the underbrush, he saw Claire limping and holding onto Vladis waving him down was Kagerou. Sparrow smiled knowing his friends were safe, he immediately rushed over to Claire and greeted her with a hug. "I'm very glad your safe Claire. " he spoke, his voice ragged and dry. "Thanks Vladis I have it from here, you look terrible." Sparrow spoke in a concerned tone.

Vladis chuckled "Oh and you think you look any better, you did well Sparrow we all managed to live, let's hope Vincent arrives, he must have felt the constant disturbances, especially with Kagerou." Vladis's eyes stabbed daggers at Kagerou who chucked mischievously.

The group felt a change in the air, it began to vibrate with Arcanum, Vladis  was the first to notice.

The group walked past the hill of corpses left by Tristram
Kagerou spotted it immediately "Hey we never knew who or what did that did we?"  She mused.

"I know... My opponent earlier killed all of those men and beasts, he felt they were too weak, merely pawns for his game... Sick bastard he was, he got away but barely..."

Kagerous jaw lay slack "Well I'll be damned, fighting off someone that strong and letting him barely escape with his life? That's impressive Sparrow, just what has Vladis taught you hmm?"  Kagerou winked at Vladis.

Claire limped beside Sparrow leaning on him for support, she stared into Sparrows eyes " Just how on earth did you pull it off? "  She asked.

Sparrow drew a deep breath and began flatly" I didn't, he was a coward yes, he was also arrogant, believe you me, if he learns from those mistakes I am truly finished should we meet again, I spent some time reviewing the fight in my mind as you taught me to do Vladis, that monster... Tristram, had he not been so arrogant he'd have slaughtered me... I got lucky, he was a man driven by darkness and a mad lust for power... Truly inhuman. "

Vladis patted Sparrow on the back" Well done on living then my dear student. " Vladis spoke encouragingly.

" Oh and he called me The Shadow dancer, he who weaves shadows into light, not sure what to take from that. "

Whispers of Amethyst:The Sparrows QuestWhere stories live. Discover now