53 ~ Ride With Me

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Abhinandan POV

"Come here," I heard her say in a low voice and I dropped the clothes off my hand over the trunk and turned to look behind.

"You are changing," I tried to say, wondering if she was sure.

"I know," she muttered and I gulped, turning around and taking a step forward towards the partition, "Come here," she added, and I bit my lower lip nervously before walking there.

I gulped as soon as looking behind the bamboo wall and found her standing in a beautiful parrot and pink-coloured attire. Her hair was tied in a bun and I noticed the droplets of water dropping down to her shoulder.

"Vo hamari choli ki dori bhaand dijiye,"

"Tie my blouse's strings, please," she muttered and I watched her turn around slowly.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw her bare back. The blouse's edges were apart and the strings hanging low.

"I tried but every time I just forget how to tie the knot without looking. You know, these designs are new," she blabbered as I stepped forward silently and stood behind her. Due to our height difference, her shoulders looked beautiful and I could see her head's top. My gaze fell on the slight redness in the partition of her hair.

My gaze immediately fell to her nape when a drop fell on her back. It glided down the curve of her almond skin and reached her skirt's band.

The tiny body hair looked beautiful. And, I just could not stop myself from brushing another fallen drop on her nape with the back of my hand.

I felt her stiffen and my hand froze for a mere moment. She did not say anything and I just glided my hand down her back, feeling her soft skin.

I still remember my first day in Gurukul when Guruji sent me to sow seeds in burning sunlight with her in the fields. And, no matter how she would try to protect her skin from tanning, she would end up getting burned.

There was still the noticeable tanning on her body. I could see the difference through her blouse's lining on her shoulder.

My senses managed to leave me as I leaned in closer to leave an appreciative kiss on her shoulder. I notice her lowering her face a little. It felt incredibly good to feel the freshly bathed skin. And, the way she shifted on her feet, managing her weight, trying to shift her left shoulder down made me realise that she felt something with the touch.

My lashes forced close inhaling her natural scent from the side of her neck and she immediately muttered.

"Abhi!" her word made me halt. I opened my eyes and kissed her neck deliberately to tell her that I was not scared of her. And, then pulled back to straighten up.

If I wanted I kissed her senselessly until I desired. And, she would not stop me.

But, why do that?

"You are not behaving yourself. All of these are to be done at night," she said, and I just could not help but smile. "Of course," I muttered and held the ends of her blouse's string and began to tie.

"You look happy," I said, noticing that she did not try to fight for a full day. I made the knot and fastened it twice for extra care. They were three in total.

"A little," she replied and I kissed her head before she turned around to look at me.

"Aap taiyaar nahi honge?"

"You would not get ready?" she asked, and I shook my head.

"It's a good day. Will leave just like this," I told her and she nodded.

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