Chapter 1

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Jack's POV

At first I thought I was just seeing things... But she was actually there!

Crystal blue tail, platinum blonde hair tied up in a very wet braid. She sits on my surfboard waving her tail in the water.

She looks at me and smiles. "Hello!" She said with joy. I said nothing back, just stared at her confused.

"Are you there? Hello?" She frowned but raised her hand and poked my cheek.

"Uh. H-hi." I say stuttering. "What? You've never seen a mermaid in these waters?" She asks flipping her tail.

"N-not really." I chuckle. "I didn't think they existed." She frowns but then begins to smile again. "Well of course they exist! I'm Elsa by the way!" She's so cheerful. "I'm Jack." I reply. "So do mermaids have any powers?" I ask.

She sinks back into the water but holds her hand out. "Of course they do! I have the power to create ice and control the ice at my will." A little ice spike appears from her hand. "Wow..." I gaze at her hand amazed.

She puts her hand down. "Well, I must be going. We aren't really suppose to talk to humans..." She sighs. "Will I see you again?" I ask. "Of course you will! Bye!" She dives back into the water, her tail flicking water everywhere then sinking back into the water.

I just met a mermaid. I must be seeing things... But man, she's beautiful. I look at the water and sigh.

I begin to swim back to shore. It's getting later, I need to be heading home.


I walk through the door with a greeting by my little sister Sophie.

"How were the waves today big brother?" She asks me.

"Amazing. And guess what, I met a-" Wait a second... I can't tell her I met a mermaid, she'll think I'm crazy! "Um, actually. Forget that last part."
She looks at me strangely but shrugs.
"Whatever you say..." She heads upstairs. "Hey don't forget you have swim practice today." I shout. "Yeah, okay." She replies.

I begin to think about the girl I met. Elsa... That's a beautiful name. Hope we meet again.

<Author's Note>


Hehe, just kidding. Anyway, I hope you liked the first chapter. I have a really good feeling that this storry is gonna be Okay? Maybe. But iI've thought about writing this story for awhile and now i'm finally writing it ^w^.  I hope you like the book and I hope you read more... when I continue updating it. Anyway. GOODBAI!

In Love with a Mermaid Jelsa FanficWhere stories live. Discover now