Chapter 6

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Hello. I've finally gotten day where I can finally write :D thank god!
Anyway here u go!

Elsa's POV:

I hear Anna crying in the other room and knock on her door. "Anna? Are you okay?" I ask. No response. "Anna, please I know you're in there..." She screams and throws something at the door. It hits the door with a THUD. "Im leaving Anna. I won't be seeing you for awhile. I've made a decision. And I have talked to mother and father about it." She opens the door tears falling down her face. "Oh Elsa, I'm sorry." She cries. I hug her tightly. "You have nothing to be sorry about." I smile, she just cries more. "Where will you go?" She pleads. "I'm going to find my own house near the surface."

"What?!" Anna starts to panic. "No! You can't! It's dangerous!" She cries.

"Anna calm down." I giggle. "Im not that far away!" I hold up both of her hands in front of us. "It's temporary." She calms down after the word 'temporary'. "It's not like i'm going to be there permanently." I let go of her hands and begin to pack my things. "I promise i'll be back." I smile. "Now lift that chin of yours and smile." And put my hand underneath her chin and lift it up. "I'm going now, i'll be back as soon as possible." I swim away leaving her behind me. She says nothing and I frown as I swim off to my temporary home out near the beach. I'm coming Jack.

HALLELUJAH I FINALLY GOT TO UPLOAD. SO FRIKIN HAPPY (does a happy dance) Ehem. Anyway. *cough cough*
I hope you all like the story and I apologize for leaving for that long and leavin u guys hangin' but school comes first and im doing pretty well this first semester. ^w^ ill keep updating as fast i can. i really like this story. OH AND ONE MORE THING
New Character coming next chapter! Comment in the comments of who YOU think its gonna be :D {ive got this all planned out already. HEEHEE <3} okay well im goin. cya ^w^

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