Chapter 4

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Elsa's POV

I take Jack to one of the most secret places I know. Not even my parents know about it.

I try to stay hidden in the water so no one will see me, everyone I knew would probably die if the humans knew our kind was real. But I trust Jack, he's someone that wouldn't spill someone else's secret, even if it was as big as my secret.

"Here we are." I sigh as I climb myself onto the rocks.
"Need some help?" Jack asks me.
"No, I do this a lot, sorta like an exercise. But thank you." I smile and I sit myself on the rocks letting my tail run smoothly in the blue sea water.

"Do you sometimes wish that you weren't.. Umm, how should I put this-" he pauses. "A mermaid?" I sigh. "Always... I feel like I would have a better life if I didn't have this heavy tail as my body..."

A cool breeze takes over and I breath it in as if I've never experienced the wind before. "I wish I could live on land than in water... That would be amazing, spending a day on the land, meeting new people." I smile and look at the lowering sun.

"I know how you feel Elsa. Sometimes I wish I could spend the whole day out at sea. The ocean is my life." He smiles at me, I stare at him. His eyes are beautiful. Just like the color of the sea. A beautiful ocean blue...

"Well it's getting late. I should probably get home. My sister is waiting for me to cook dinner." He hops down onto his board and waits for me to join him. "I agree. I'll take tomorrow Jack. It was great talking to you." "It was nice talking to you too Elsa. Meet here tomorrow okay?" I smile and nod diving into the water heading home.

Tomorrow is a new day...

Hello everyone. Sorry for being gone so long my charger broke and I couldn't charge it for awhile. And I hope u liked the chapter ^w^
Cya next time!
Au revoir!

In Love with a Mermaid Jelsa FanficWhere stories live. Discover now