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Hey guys, so I am sincerely sorry for lack of updates but I've been like extremely busy with things. I was struggling with grades last school year, I have 2 very sick family members, I've been having to deal with Band which is a pain, and I've got a cruise coming up in a couple weeks. So yea. Tbh another reason why I haven't been updating is because I'm kinda just like... done with writing. Kinda gotten out of it and gotten into other things (anime, league of legends, the Olympics that are happening, colorguard, hanging out with friends, etc.) so yea. I'll try to get back into it but for now, I'm just not having a lot of fun with it. It's tough for me to continue the story because I can't think of anything to write about so I've been putting it off for a long while. I know, all of you want me to update and I probably will at some point, but right now, isn't a good time. I'm really sorry if any of y'all really want to know what happens and I don't blame you. I do as well but I just can't update with these problems going on in my life. I hope you all will still support me and keep on waiting for me to update. Thank you so much for already being patient with me and supporting me, I really appreciate it. I'll try my best to update at some point, I promise. I just can't or don't have the time to update right now. Again I am very very sorry for everyone waiting on me to update, and thanks again for supporting me and being patient. Dis is dah Author signing out - Byeee <3 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2016 ⏰

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