Ch 2: Wind Tribe

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Yona Pov.

I gasped myself awake as sweat trickled down my face.

Just a dream...It was just a dream..

I sighed in relief as I felt tears well up.

More like a nightmare...

I shook my head lightly and jumped out of the tree, landing softly on my feet. My ears perked up at the sound of feet crunching leaves as Hak appeared with a cup of water.

"Huh? You went to get something to drink?" I questioned curiously as I heard Min-soo starting to wake up as well. "Yeah, you looked like you were having a nightmare so..." He muttered as he stood in front of me. I blinked at him before giggling.

"Ah, thank you."

I stood on my tip toes and kissed his cheek before taking the cup of water and drank some of its contents.

"Here Min-soo."

I handed said teen the cup of water before looking back at a blushing Hak. "Are you okay?" I questioned worriedly as I stood in front  of him again. "You k-kissed me.." I heard him mutter lightly as he held his cheek. I looked at him with confused eyes. "Yeah 'cause you got me some water. It was a 'thank you' kiss" I informed before stepping back as a creepy smile made itself known on his face.

An irk mark appeared on my cheek as I bonked him on the head.

"Let's make one thing clear...I am not the Yona you know and love so please keep me out of your weird fantasies" I ordered before turning around and grabbed my bag. I walked past Hak and headed over to the pond he was at before.

I sighed softly as the short kimono slipped off my body before taking off my underwear and dipped into the water. I smiled happily as I resurfaced before washing my body. I hummed a random tune to myself as I washed my long, curly red hair before looking at my reflection on the waterfall. My eyes widen in shock as I saw a dragon tattoo on my back as well as my usual violet-blue eyes now being a bright fuchsia.

"That's not right..." I muttered as I quickly rinsed myself off before getting out of the water. I took the leeches off of my legs before putting my underwear and the black kimono back on. I walked back to the campsite and looked at the two males.

"Where are we going?" I questioned Hak immediately as he and Min-soo stood up.

"Soo-won most likely sent soldiers after us to capture you, thinking that you're the princess-"

"Well, Blondie most likely knows that I'm not the Princess so where are we going?" I questioned again as I placed my hands on my hips and glared up at the Beast.

"For now, we can seek refuge is the wind tribe's capital, Fuuga. My hometown" he answered. "I see...Is it a nice place?" I asked curiously as we neared the said tribe. He nodded. "Everyone is friendly there and treat each other as family" he informed as a small smile graced his lips. I looked at him for a moment before smiling as well and looked ahead.

I blinked for a minute as we approached the gate of the capital.

Two males -one with light brown hair and the other with black hair- around my age were sleeping soundly in front of us, snoring away.

"Uhm...." I breathed out in confusion before chuckling as Hak kicked them away. "Ouch!!" The two now awake teens exclaimed as they held their heads. "What was that?!" The brunette exclaimed as he turned towards us. "Does the tribe know you two are sleeping on patrol?" Hak questioned nonchalantly. "Lord Hak?" He said in a questioning tone. "Yo" said man greeted.

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