Ch 7: Meeting The Hakuryuu Dragon

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Yona Pov.

I sweat dropped as Hak hugged me close to his body.

"Lemme go" I ordered as I pushed on his chest.


I sighed and glared up at him before looking at the silver headed men in the trees.

"Who are you..?!"

"He cleared away the fog with just one swing...!"

"Are you people from the dragon village?" Hak asked bluntly, making me sweat dropped. "It seems that you know about our clan" I heard one guy state before seeing a man with a mustache jump out of the trees and in front of us. "That's all the more reason we shouldn't let you leave with your lives!!" He exclaimed making me pull Hak's arm away from my waist and walk up to him.

"Do you have our companion?" I questioned seriously as the man looked at me with shocked eyes.

"Red hair.."

"She has red hair.."

"I can't believe I'm seeing it with my own eyes!"

I'm so lost..

I sweat dropped in confusion as I watched the mustache guy bow to me. A shiver went down my spine as he did this and I ran back over to Hak and hugged him. "Why is he bowing to me? It's creepy..." I muttered into his chest. I felt him turn rigid and grew an irk mark before bonking him on the head.

"I'm not her!" I clarified before letting him go and turned away from his figure.

"Where did you come from, red haired girl?" Mustache man asked curiously. "Wind tribe" I answered as I hugged my body slightly.

"We have gotten help from a high priest to find the four dragons."

"I see...Let me guide you to the Hakuryuu Village" he informed. I nodded happily and kissed him on the cheek.

"Thanks mustache man!" I exclaimed happily before grabbing Yoon's things and followed him to the village. I giggled as a tour flag suddenly appeared into the man's hand as he guided us around the village.

"Aaaannnndddddd on your left, you will see the statue of Lord Hakuryuu.."

"What the hell?!"

"Ah! There's Yoon!! Hey~ Yoon~!" I greeted happily as I ran up to him. "Is this the companion you were talking about?" The man questioned, making me nod. He nodded as well and faced the guard that was guarding the cage. "Let him go" he ordered.


"He is with the red haired guest" the man stated as he cut off the guard. The guard apologized and bowed before releasing Yoon.

I ran up to him and gave him a hug before kissing the guard and the mustache man on their cheeks.

"Thanks!" I exclaimed happily before running back over to Hak. "You need to stop kissing people" the Beast proclaimed once I reached him. I shrugged. "Can't help it, it's a habit" I informed him before blinking as he picked me up as people stared to stare at us or, more specifically, me.

"...For generations the Hakuryuu blood has been passed down. It has been our duty to protect the Hakuryuu from intruders that want to use his powers for that of evil, so I apologize if we were a bit rude with you" the mustache man apologized with a deep bow as the people started to surround Hak and I.

"It's no problem, but...What's up with this?!" The Beast questioned as he kept me out of the silver headed people's grasp.

"Red hair.."

Beauty And The Beast (ON HOLD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora