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"So did you like him?" Was Mom's immediate question as soon as she'd walked through the door, bustling in with bags of shopping. I came over from my homework station to help her.



My mouth formed an 'O', "He's nice, I guess." I muttered. "He has uh, very blue eyes."

I peeked a look at her, watching as she grinned and her eyes began to sparkle. "He is very nice. And those eyes." She gushed, following it with a sigh.

Observing her reaction, I deduced that they'd previously had some sort of affair together. It was comical really, watching the dullness in her eyes disappear, replaced by a sheen of happiness. Her posture too, straightening her spine and pulling her shoulders back.

It also confused me to no end. Who was this Frank? Prospectively, if they'd been together, shouldn't I know about him? And how did Cobalt know to mention him? I'd love to know who this Frank is. I deliberated over it for the rest of the afternoon, and well into the night.



I flinched, almost dropping my tray at the sound of my name. Turning around, I saw Tyler sitting at his table with his friends. I'd seen most of them around, Stacy talking -or flirting, if you prefer- to a few. They all ignored me, thankfully, their attention immersed in their conversations.

I walked over to where he sat and smiled. "What's up?"

He returned my smile with an excessive amount of vigor, exposing his pearly whites. I blushed as my insides did a tiny flip. When was the last time a boy as cute as him smiled at me like that?

"What are you doing on Saturday?"

My mouth opened with the intention to reply before another voice cut in. "She's busy."

My heart did another flip and I looked to my right to see Cobalt standing there, cool eyes trained specifically on Tyler. "Uh, thanks, Cobalt."

I was surprised my voice came out firm, giving me enough attention to turn his head toward me. My mind faltered. His hair was pushed back, exposing his eyes. They were sharp and intense, a determined glint shining within them. He'd shaved, too.

Nice, but not as nice as the five o'clock shadow.

Breaking from my thoughts, I looked away quickly. God, what if he caught me staring?

"Sunday, then?" I turned back to Tyler. His eyes weren't directed to me and instead, at Cobalt. "I wanted to make it up to you after last weekend."

"She's busy on Sunday." Cobalt stated.

"She can also speak for herself." Tyler retorted, arching an eyebrow daringly. The table went quiet and the air grew chillier. Nerves ran across my skin as eyes turned in my direction, expectation and budding excitement rising in the air.

I bit my lip in the hopes to regain focus.  The feeling of everyone's eyes burned my conscious enough for me to become distracted on what was actually occurring - the tension of a fight.

A fight? Over what?

"You've made her uncomfortable. What makes you think she wants to be in your presence? Least of all for an entire day?" Cobalt scoffed. He grabbed my arm then, firmly enough to pull me along without hurting me.  Tyler opened his mouth, quick to reply, but Cobalt was quicker and began pulling me away.

"That... That was uncalled for." I mumbled, throwing an apologetic glance over my shoulder to Tyler. We walked to Stacy's table and before I could begin to sit and eat, he ripped the tray for my hands, dropped it on the table and started dragging me again.

I slightly struggled, but it was no use. He was way too strong.

Scowling, I allowed him to pull me like a rag doll out of the cafeteria. The further we walked, the quieter it got and all you could hear was muffled chatter. He pulled me toward a tree not too far away from the entrance, then let me go.

In an instant I rounded on him. "I know we agreed to be friends, but the last time I checked, that didn't include deciding who I can and can not hang out with. But then again, how would I know since the last friends I had were back in middle school." I shut my mouth tightly, knowing that if I hadn't, it'd continue running with insults. My heart slammed with the familiar sensation of fear, but also anger and... Relief?

Cobalt's eyes changed from stony, to sad, and instantly I could tell the depth in which my words hurt him. It made me realise he wasn't quite so impenetrable as he was so set out on making everyone believe.

It was quiet as silence passed between us. I looked down unable to meet his eyes. He must be beating himself up over, and over, and over...

I opened my mouth, "I'm-"

"Don't, Teal." The demand was soft. I looked up. "Don't apologise for something I've done. You're right, I can't tell you what to do, and I'm sorry."

A weak smile graced my lips. His honest words strung a cord with my heart.

"He really is a sweet guy." I admitted.

The sincerity in his eyes changed into something a blue storm as they glittered with anger. He crossed his arms. "Yeah I'm sure he's a real sweetheart."

"I'm serious." I gripped his forearm, the corded muscle tensing beneath my grip. To show him how serious I was, I held his eyes.

My stomach somersaulted as his eyes dipped to my lips, the action quick, but still there. I held my breath and the air changed.

Before I could comprehend it, he pulled away. "Just..." He looked at me fleetingly. "Just don't get your hopes up. I really wouldn't trust him."

But at that moment I wasn't sure if he was still talking about Tyler.


I know it's short, but I hope you enjoyed it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2016 ⏰

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