Initiation Pt. 2

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A drunken haze was the least of my worries as I felt my lips tingle.

I thought nothing of the feeling, simply giggling as I brushed my fingers along my bottom lip and walking toward the drink stand. When I was close enough to grab the bottle, I took a swig, not bothering to check the label. The milky, alcoholic drink had me wincing as I slammed the bottle down.

"Teal?" I frowned, slightly recognizing the voice.

"Tyler!" I gasped, holding the bottle up in the air in shocked. I ambled over to where he stood and hugged him tightly, the contents of the bottle sloshing onto his shirt. "Oops," I giggled.

"Wow, you're tanked." Tyler said suprised. Without me even noticing, he pinched the bottle from my hand and placed it behind him.

"I know," I admitted, the dizzy haze didn't let the comment bother me. "But I'm happy so I'm okay. Wait that didn't make sense." I frowned.

"Did you want some water?" He asked leading me toward the fridge. 

"Not really- hey, where'd my drink go?" I looked at my hands but the quick movement had me stumbling back. "Woah."

One minute I was standing the next I was falling backward. I saw Tyler rush forward but wasn't close enough to catch me as my head hit the table behing me and I fell to the ground.


I moaned, closing my eyes in agony as I rolled on the floor. A burning sensation began in my throat and my toes were turning numb. I moaned again, lifting my hand to my head to help the headache that I created.

"Teal, look at me." A new voice joined, the deep baritone of his words causing my lids to become heavier as if he was lulling me to sleep. A hand cradled my head, the other pulling me off the ground. Suddenly I was in the soft embrace of the stranger, his arm wrapped around my torso and the other holding my head to his chest.

"Teal are you okay?" I could hear Tyler in the distance.

"Teal, I need you to look at me right now." The voice became urgent, the arm gently shaking. "Teal, open your damn eyes!"

The hands grabbed my face, cool against my heated skin, and my eyes fluttered open. Stormy blue eyes stared at my stricken with worry, fear and anger.

"Oh fuck no, Teal." He stared deep into my eyes as if they were showing him his biggest fear and ran a hand through his hair, an action I realized he did when he was frustrated. "Someone get me two bottles of water and clear a path."

There was a slight commotion. There were shuffles, but apart from the circle around us, the party continued. Nothing but Cobalt's eyes held my attention. The longer he stared at me, the more my headache faded, the more the burning went away, the more numb I felt.

My eyes rolled back, the pain too overwhelming.


I woke to myself vomiting.

Fingers were digging down into my throat painfully as I gagged, spewing the nights' fun onto the grass.

Gasping for air after everything left me, I clung to the persons' arm and shoved it away from my throat.

"Oh God," I whimpered. My head felt as if it had been smashed with a sledgehammer and my body felt numb and tingly. I smothered myself against the warm body that held me, blaming the cold for the numbing effect.

A water bottle was pushed into my hands and eagerly I drank from it.

As I guzzled the water down, I realized a hand was stroking my back. Slowly, mindlessly, as if they were doing it unknowingly. I wanted to turn and see who it was, but they shifted and stood, murmuring a, "look after her, don't take her back into the party," to another person.

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