Chapter Eight: Those Cobalt Eyes

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Chapter Eight: Those Cobalt Eyes.

I couldn't breathe.

I couldn't think.

My world was a blur of colors as my heart hammered harder and harder against my ribs with every thump. All I heard was that one whisper at the back of my mind that repeated the words, 'this isn't happening, this isn't happening, this isn't happening.'

But of course it was. My life seemed to become some kind of cosmic joke.

"Take it. The thing won't rip your head off, trust me." Cobalt spoke in a soothing voice, the corners of his lips tipping up into a smile that I guessed was supposed to be reassuring.

But one thing I had learnt, was to never trust a person who said, 'trust me'.

Especially if they bore the same handsome looks Cobalt did.

But not only this, Cobalt had never even slightly tried to be reassuring. Never even smiled.

Atleast, never toward me.

I gave a smile, hoping it to be as reassuring as his. "I-I'm f-f-fine." A jolt went through my body. "I-I mean n-no thank y-you." I could have blamed the bumbled stutters on the wind that seemed to cut right through the dress, but they would just be a waste of air.

"Teal," I was so glad the cold air concealed the shiver that crawled up my spine at the sound of my name rolling off his lips. "Just take the hoodie."

Those cobalt eyes pierced my own. He seemed to stare deep, deep into my soul. Looking, searching, but also destroying anything and everything he saw.

My eyes did the same.

There was a lingering sadness beneath those blue eyes that made my heart squeeze. But I couldn't delve deeper than that, not because I feared what I would see, that my eyes were deceiving me and on the inside was a burning hatred and disgust, but becaue it was blocked off and gaurded.

I took in a deep breath, those eyes had sucked me in so deeply that I felt as if I was drowning in them.

On it's own accord, my hand reached out, grabbing the soft material between my hands. I didn't think of the consequences, about the fear that almost strangled me or the frantic beat of my heart.

Instead, I pulled the hoodie over my body and let it's warmth envelop me like a cosy embrace.

"Th-thank you," my smile was still tight as I stood before him. Cobalt had now walked around the bench before sitting down on it and staring at me with his elbows on knees.

Despite him giving me a jumper, I didn't trust him.

Despite the slight vulnerability to his eyes and stance, I didn't push him.

Despite this different side that was nice (well, as nice as I believed Cobalt could be), I didn't believe that this would last.

I hugged my arms and dropped my gaze to the floor, anxiously. He didn't say a word, but I could feel his eyes staring, boring into my skull.

Until he spoke.

"I-I I'm - I'm -" He struggled. I glanced up to see him drag a hand through his hair in a frustrated grace. He shook his head and glared angrily at the ground.

His anger triggered something deep inside me, something that had my spine stiffening and my body on alarm. "I-I'm sorry!" I quickly apologized backing away a step before my voice quietened. "I'm sorry, please don't be angry at me."

Unwantingly, tears began to burn my eyes and I clenched my jaw, as if to stop them. Why am I crying? My mind whispered angrily.

Cobalt's eyes snapped to mine, an unknown emotion glowing within them. "Don't apologize. It's not your fault."

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