❂Bleach!: A New School. A New Start!❂Part:6

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You made your way back to school, thinking over the events of yesterday. You were happy to have made friends on your first day. As you went to your locker you saw someone one standing in front of it. ‘Maybe that’s Matsumoto…’ you thought walking slowly to your locker. As you got closer to it you saw it wasn’t a female, but a male standing there.

He had spiky orange hair with brown eyes and fair skin. He was also fairly tall and well built. You blushed slightly at the last part. You walked up to him and tapped his shoulder, “Um, excuse me, but who-?” “Ichigo?” You and he turned to the voice to see Orihime.

She walked up to the both of you, “What are you doing here?” He scratched the back of his neck and sighed, “Matsumoto made me switch lockers with her so she could be near Toshiro.”

Orihime giggled at that, “That does sound like her…” she turned to you, smiling, “So I’m guessing you two haven’t met yet? [Name], this is Ichigo. Ichigo, this is [Name]! She’s new here.” Ichigo gave you a small smile, backing away, “It’s nice to meet you. Sorry I was putting my stuff in here. Matsumoto didn’t tell me she had a locker partner…” You shook your head, “I never got to meet her, so I guess she didn’t know.”

You quickly gathered your things that you were going to need for today and stepped back. Orihime smiled, turning the other way, “Well I got to go now. I have to go and help set some stuff up. See you two later!”

You both watched her as she walked away. “She is a very perky person.” you smiled.

He chuckled softly, “Yeah she is…so what made you come here?” He scratched the back of his neck, trying to keep the conversation going. You smiles softly, “My father moved here for his company…it’s nice here, but the city is pretty big...”

He nodded, understanding it was not the best subject, “Well I’m hoping you’ll like your stay here, everyone is pretty cool…except certain people…”

You raised your eyebrow slightly at his last comment. He glanced down at you, rubbing the back of his neck. Realizing that you were staring you coughed, “Well, we should really be getting to class. I’ll see you later!” you smiled. He gave a tiny smile and nodded, “Yeah, I’ll catch you later.”

You both left after shutting the locker.

On your way down to your class you saw a few girls glaring at you. You heard more whispers about you and someone. You walked slowly and tried to make out the other name, it kind of sounded like….Toshiro?!

A girl to your side narrowed her eyes, “You know their right…you shouldn’t really be talking to him.” You stopped and looked at her, “Why not? I think I can talk to anyone I please too.”

She rolled her eyes, “Look, just take my warning and don’t talk to Toshiro, his fan club is watching you. Even if you do talk…you may want to keep it over their heads…especially Momo.” She left after saying a soft ‘goodbye’.

You blinked and hurried to class thinking over what she said. When you entered class you saw some of the same girls out in the hallways.

Ignoring the stares they were giving you, you made your way over to sit by Toshiro. He didn’t seem to mind at all. “Hey, how’s it going?” you asked, looking over at him. He kept his eyes on his book, “Not much, really…”

You bite your lip gently, wishing for him to talk more. Suddenly you feel something hit the back of your head and then the floor. You narrow your eyes and look back behind you to see some girls snickering. “Are you alright?” Toshiro asked. “Yeah, I’m fine.” You lied, rolling your eyes to yourself.

He glanced at you, uncertain, but left it alone. Just as you were about to open your mouth Ms. Soi-Fon started the class. Soon after explaining the assignment, she passed out sheets. You looked over them and frowned.

After a while you looked around and saw everyone else had begun. You groaned to, playing with you pencil, “Darn work…”

Toshiro grinned slightly, “Are you having trouble…again?” You smiled slightly, “Yeah, could you-!”  A girl came up and interrupted your sentence by dropping her work in front of you both.

She glared at you quickly and turned to Toshiro, giving him a sick sweet smile, “Toshiro, do you mind helping me with this?” Toshiro glanced at you and gave her a shrug, “Sure, I guess I see no harm.” You waved at him as they walked off, sighing to yourself.

You worked out the problems in your head, going over the notes also helped too. You soon got the hang of it, but for some odd reason you felt a bit lonely. Math soon ended and you rushed out, happy to leave.

Renji was sitting at his desk talking to others around him. When he saw you he waved, smiling brightly. You gave him a small smile, walking over and sitting next to him. You looked down, sighing. “Something wrong?” you heard from beside you.

You glanced at Renji with a weak smile, “Yeah, I’m alright, don’t worry…” He looked unconvinced, but left it alone. Your thoughts were racing in your mind.

The girl from earlier was right, his fan club was something not to be messed. ‘Maybe I should take her warning…but maybe she’s one of them.’

You rubbed the sides of your head and sighed.

The bell rang and you got up. ‘That seemed shorter than I thought it would be…’ you thought, walking out. You stopped when you heard your name. Renji walked up to you, “So how are you doing so far?” You sighed, walking with him, “Well good, as I think I’d go up against Toshiro’s fan club…” Renji’s eyes widen, “Most of them aren’t good to mess with, [Name]. You need to watch out for them.” You nodded, “Yeah, some girl warned me about a girl named…Momo?”

Renji sighed, “Momo…she used to be a good friend of ours. She was a really sweet girl, then one day she’s mean and in his fan club…I guess that’s what made her turn. She likes Toshiro a lot, and I guess she sees you and any girl that gets close to him as a threat.” You shook your head, “Well her and every other girl needs to cool it, and Toshiro and me we’re just friends.”

Renji chuckled, smiling, “Ok, if any of them give you a hard time, just tell me and I’ll explain to them! Even Momo if she ever gives you trouble too!” You smiled, hugging him quickly, “Thanks, Renji!”

You rushed off to English, missing the blush on his face, “Um, no problem.” You rushed into English, greeting Byakuya while taking your seat. You thought over the things you encountered today and sighed.

Mr. Shunsui, sighed and lightly smiled, “Today class, you have an assignment…much to all of ours disappointment…” he mumbled the last part under his breath. You were a bit glad, you really didn’t think it’d help to keep thinking on the subject.

‘At least I have something to distract me for now.’ You thought.



Toshiro noticed you jumped and turning around glaring at the girls. He asked if you were alright, but just got in return was a short answer. He was slightly hurt and shocker as to why you didn’t need his help. He basically was dragged away by the girl once he got up. He raised an eyebrow when he saw what questions she needed help with. "Um, are you telling me you don’t know these? You’re kidding right?” he asked, hoping she was just kidding. She shook her head, pouting like a small child. "No, sorry. I’m really confused…" Toshiro pinched the bridge of his nose, to resist the urge of face palming himself. Was this girl being serious?! He couldn't believe it, but he missed being next to you, at least you understood most of everything.



Renji didn’t think you’d get harassed by the fan club like that. He sighed, thinking about how he was going to get you out of this. It's all because of Toshiro anyways. Renji tells you that the girls and, soon Momo, probably thought of you as a threat. For some reason, you laughed. You probably thought it was hard to believe his statement, but he could. He thought you were pretty and very witty. He told Mr. Urahara about you yesterday, thinking he’d bring you up for him. Urahara just smiled that all-knowing smile of his, aware of something that Renji himself was not. But he thinks he knows what it is now. Maybe that’s the reason he was a bit happy that you didn’t think Toshiro like you.

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