❂Bleach!: A New School. A New Start!❂Part:2

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The rest of the period went on in silence, much to your pleasure. “Then once you multiply that with x you use the distributive property with all the expressions…” Toshiro explained. He was half way through the last question. “Okay, I see what you’re suppose to do now.” You mumbled, finishing the problem.

He muttered something under his breathe. He had finished with his work awhile back, while you were trying to work some problems on your own. The bell had rung just as you were finishing up your last problem.

“Yes, I have no homework!” you said, getting your stuff together to leave. Toshiro gave a small smile, but left the room before you could thank him. ‘What a smart kid…” you thought, looking at the door. You remembered you had history next and it was a few hallways down. As you were leaving you bumped into a few people.

The bell rang just as you stepped into class. ‘No wonder Rukia, likes to be on time,’ you thought, panting a little. “Oh, why hello there, miss.” a kind voice said. You looked at the front of the class and saw a woman in a purple suite and stockings. She had brown eyes and black hair that framed her face nicely. “You can take a seat now, miss.” she said turning to the board.

That’s when you realized you were still standing at the doorway. You look around for a seat until a guy with spiked up red hair caught your attention.

“Hey, new girl, over here.” he waved. You slowly made your way over to the seat beside him. “You looked a little confused there. Needed to get you out of there before she yells,” he grinned. “It’s Ms. Akiko, Mr. Abarai.” she corrected him. You laughed quietly at the two, they we‘re somewhat amusing.

She sighed and went back to the board. “By the way, I’m Renji.” he smiled. “Nice to meet, you Renji, I’m [Name].” you smiled. “Well, Ms. [Name], please pick your friends carefully.” the teacher said, looking back at you with a slight frown. You could feel that this teacher could change her opinion quickly.

“Oh don’t mind her, [Name], she knows I’m a good guy.” he grins. Soon class begun with no interruptions, and Ms. Akiko talked about WWI from different points of views‘. You looked around the class and saw many people not taking notes, and that it was only you. “Are you taking note, [Name]?” Renji asked, leaning over to look. “It would be a little bit more easier if she could stay with one countries point of view.” you said, making him chuckle.

He patted your shoulder, “Don’t worry about it. She may give you all this information, but the tests are really easy.” That put your mind at ease, “Thanks for that information.” You put your notebook away, sat back, and rested your head. “There we go, more relaxed.” he smiled.

After class you took your schedule back out. “So what’s your next period for the day?” he asked you. “Well looks like English is next then I have Physical Education…Hey do you know when lunch is?” you asked. He laughed, “Don’t worry you have lunch after P.E."

“Ok then, I guess I’ll see you later.” you smiled. “Bye, [Name]!” he said, walking out the room. When you made it to the class, you were thankful that it was close to the History room. You looked at the front and saw the teacher taking a nap. ‘Well isn’t that nice?’ you thought, staring blankly at him.

You saw he had long wavy brown hair tied into a pony-tail, with one strand going down the side of his face. His straw hat was covering up half of his face, but you could still make out his features and that he was asleep. You noticed that there wasn’t many people in the room, so you took the first seat you saw.

You didn’t really notice the person beside you till he spoke up and woke the teacher. “Excuse me, Mr. Shunsui, could you please start?” He startled you somewhat. Mr. Shunsui got up slowly, and gestured to the board, “Please, class, start the assignment on Macbeth by William Shakespeare.” “Um, excuse me, but I didn’t get the book.” you said, raising your hand. You caught the person next you attention. “I’m sorry, but we’re all out at the moment.” Mr. Shunsui smiled, apologetically. “It’s fine, Mr. Shunsui.” you said.

You looked at your neighbor, hesitating on whether to ask for help or not. Out of the corner of your eye you took in his appearance. He had slate gray eyes and long black hair. He also wore white bands on the right side and top of his hair, along with a white long scarf.

“Excuse me, do you mind if I borrow the book after your done?” you asked. He turned his gaze to you make you freeze, “You don’t need the book. The assignment is asking about your opinion on abuse of power and corruption.” You look at the board then down at your lap realizing he was correct.

You looked back up at him not really knowing what to write, “So what do you think about the subject?” His eyes seemed to show interest, and he gave a minute to think. “I believe people who become corrupted with power don’t deserve it in the first place. And that they don’t deserve what they already have."

You understood where he was getting all of this and saw he was right in that way. “That’s a good way to put it, but I believe the power and change anyone. That even the tiniest of power would drive them to want more. And that you can’t call them on something that you would do yourself.” you stated, making him more interested.

“I’m [Name], by the way.” you smiled. He keeps the same face on, “Byakuya.” The rest of class you both spent on completing the assignment in silence.



Toshiro had to admit he really didn‘t want anyone sitting next to him. However it was very amusing to see your expression when the rest of the girls were talking about you. He never bothers to talk to the person that sat next to, or anyone in the class really unless he had too. That and the fact that any girl who would sit by him would either get talked about or pushed around by the other girls. Toushiro figures it'll be interesting to see how long you last.



Renji had heard about you through Rukia in the halls, and that he would have class with you. When he saw you, he knew you were confused, you looked pretty nervous too. He usually messed with Ms. Akiko, who loved to talk on about the same subject. Renji thought it was amusing to see you take notes, but was happy when you decided to relax.



Byakuya is used to having a quiet English class to himself, and it helped that the teacher listened to every command he issued. He didn't even notice you when you took a seat beside him. He figured it was a coincidence that you took a seat by him, because nobody sat near him unless they had too. The conversation you two had somewhat changed his opinion of you. It was reassuring to him, to know that his partner was going to be a smart individual with her own ideas and opinions.


Ms. Akiko:

A well known woman at school, she teaches advanced and regular history. She's been with the school for 6 years, but goes on and off her job as a teacher to do other jobs. But she always comes back to the teaching business. Her attitude can change very quickly if she's very upset. She also has times where she'll get mad and throw things. Overall she's a little crazy, but a very kindhearted woman. Akiko takes her time with new students, to see how they work well in her class and if they'll need help during the year.


Note: As you can see Akiko is one my O.C's. A very...pleasent woman I guess. She has major/minor part in the story, but I'm still trying to fit her in all the way. Anyways I was going to make Ukitake the English teacher, but something made me go with Shunsui. Well I hope you liked this chapter. For me...not so much really. But I did get a kick out of History class! ^ ^ Well till next time I guess.

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