❂Bleach!: A New School. A New Start!❂Part:3

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As you were getting your things together you looked at Byakuya. “Hey do you know where the gym is?” you asked. He lifted his head from his book, and raised an eyebrow, “It’s down a few halls. Take a right and then just follow the awards and posters.” You nodded your head, but wondered why he gave you that look, “Thanks for the help.”

The bell ranged and you gave a quick wave before leaving the room. On the way there you thought how the class would be, ‘Maybe it’s not so bad…I’ll probably have a good time!’

Once you entered the gym you went straight for the locker room. While you were in there you could hear girls giggling, joking, and gossiping. You even heard your name a few times. Once you were done changing, you went and stood by the bleachers. While you were thinking you got pulled from your thoughts by a loud slam.

You looked up with wide eyes at who you thought was the teacher.

He was a very muscular man with a long face and green eyes, an eye patch over his right eye. He also had long black hair and a long scar going down the left side of his face, making him more intimidating. He gave the whole class a toothy grin, “Ok, you little runts, I’m Mr. Zaraki. Those of you that already know me you know what to do!”

He went over and pressed a red button then a green downwards button. You looked up to see ropes come from the ceiling.

‘Ok…I’ve been wrong before.’ you thought, bitterly. “Ok now I want everyone to pair up with someone you won’t talk to through the whole class period. Meaning I want it to be the opposite gender.” he gave a stern face. You heard a few groans from guys and excited squeals from the girls. You just rolled your eyes thinking he made a bad choice.

A scowl appeared on his face and shouted, “You heard me! Now get over yourselves and get moving!!” With that everyone scattered to get a partner. You rolled your eyes and gave out a sigh thinking, ‘Why me?’ Suddenly you heard a voice from behind you, “Hey, new girl be my partner!” You inwardly cringed at the voice for being so loud, but turned around.

You noticed it was the guy from earlier with the light blue hair. “Can’t I choose who I want?” you asked. He gave you a look and replied, “No.” He towered over you, with narrowed eyes, “I don’t like being around the other girls so there’s only you, new kid.”

You frowned at him, “My name is [Name].” He grinned down at you, “Grimmjow.”

You were about to say something until Mr. Zaraki interrupted you, “Would you please get on the ropes! I have no time for this talking! So move it!” You wondered about you’re safety in this class with the teacher and Grimmjow. You had to make sure that you kept a good eye on Grimmjow.

Once you reached a rope, you were the first to jump on. “Hey, who said you could go!?” Grimmjow yelled. You just grunted and kept pulling yourself up. You thought it was nice to be up high, you couldn’t really hear much from the bottom. “[Name], your to damn high! Do you hear me?!” he shouted.

Unfortunately you didn’t and once you were almost to the top, your hands slipped falling. Grabbing the rope wasn’t an option because the rope would make your hands hot and just let go of it. Once you thought you were close enough for impact and shut your eyes.

Strangely, you felt arms had caught you. You look up to see Grimmjow a soft but stern look, “Next time would you listen to me.” Mr. Zaraki laughed and clapped, “Good catch, boy!”

“Thank you, Grimmjow” you said with a soft smile. He set you on the ground and looked up at the rope, “You climbed pretty high…you know for a girl.” he grinned. You give him a blank face, but say nothing and watch as he beats you’re height in just a few seconds.

Once you think he’s out of hearing range you muttered, “Showoff…” You heard a laugh from above you. Grimmjow landed perfectly in front of you, “Don’t be jealous. I’m just that good, ok.” You just sighed and started to climb again.

As the two of you went back and forth the bell finally rung signaling the end of the period. You quickly go change and rushed out the gym.

You made it to the cafeteria with no need for direction. “Finally, it’s time for lunch!” you shout with happiness. You look around the room for a unmistakable orange hair. You spot Orihime at a table with some people.

You walk over and a smile appears on her face. “[Name], I’m so glad you’re here!” she gets up and gives you a hug. “I’m glad to be here too.” you smiled. You noticed the two guys you didn’t recognize and gave them a small wave.

Orihime gave a smile and introduced you to the males, “Oh, [Name], this is Uryu and Sado, but we call him Chad.” Uryu gives you a small wave, “It’s nice to meet you.” Chad gives you a nod, but remains silent. You noticed that Uryu had raven colored hair that framed his face well, he also had dark blue eyes. His glasses made him have that proper look along with the way he wore his uniform. Chad had nice tanned skin with wavy brown hair and brown eyes. His bangs covered his eyes and he’s very muscular.

You nod and smile, then you go get your food with Orihime and sit down. “So how’s your day been? Did you make any new friends?” she asked. You thought it over, “I’ve…had an interesting day. For new friends…I guess so, you sound a little bit like my mom.” she giggled, and pushed you slightly.

“So did you find anyone cute~?” she asked. Before you could react, Uryu coughed and looked at her, “Orihime, don’t you think that’s a lot of questions? Let her eat, so she can gather her thoughts.” Orihime nodded and started eating her food.

“I forgot does Ichigo have basketball practice?” Orihime asked. “Yeah, they maybe starting it before lunch now.” Chad said, breaking his silence.

“Who’s Ichigo?” you asked. Orihime’s eyes brightened, “He’s a really good friend of ours! He’s on the basketball team.” “He sounds very interesting.” you smiled.

“Don’t worry you’ll like him, he’s very nice!” she smiled and went back to her food. “Did Rukia show you around the school?” Uryu asked, pushing up his glasses. “She’s part of student council, that’s why she always tries to get to everything on time because of it.” Orihime sighed.

You nodded understanding, you were hoping to get some answers to some questions that you were thinking about, on the tour also.


Note: So the third part is out...Finally! *facepalms* School has just started for me and it feels like I got hit with a train. The reason I didn't put Grimmjow's note was because there wasn't enough choices out right now. I'm very sorry that this one was alittle short. I'll try and make a longer one next time. Until again~!

❂Bleach!: A New School. A New Start!❂जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें