❂Bleach!: A New School. A New Start!❂Part:9

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It was Sunday evening and you had just gotten back from the store with your father. “So, [Name], how’s school going? Are you adjusting...alright?” he tried making conversation as you took stuff out the bags.

You glanced at him and shrugged your shoulders, “Every things fine at school, I made a few friends.”

He nodded at your answer, “Well I’m glad to hear that...so what exactly did you need some of this stuff for?” “I’m doing a project with one of my friends. He and I are almost finished, we just have to build it and we should be finished!” you said, putting the last of the groceries away.

“I see...so you’re working on it with a boy?” “Oh don’t you start too. Mom already kept asking me about Ichigo.” “Who is Ichigo?” he said, narrowing his eyes.

You gathered the supplies that you would need tomorrow and put them by your bag, “He’s a friend, Dad, just a friend.”

You could hear him give a scoff as you went up to your room.

When you went to your room you fell straight on your bed. ‘I can’t wait to get to sleep’ you thought, closing your eyes as you cuddled into your pillow.

When morning came you got up and dressed quickly. As you pressed out your skirt you quickly looked at yourself in the mirror. When you were satisfied you grabbed your bag and equipment. You waved to your parents, who were sitting at the kitchen table, and left the house.

When you got to school you went straight to your locker and put your supplies in there that you’d need for after school. You shut your locker and turned around, about to run into Ichigo.

“Good morning, Ichigo!” you smiled.

He gave you a tired smile, “Morning, [Name], you seem upbeat this morning.” You shrugged, “Went to bed early, so I see you’re not a morning person.” “I don’t think I’ll ever be one either.” he stretched his arms above his head.

You giggled and leaned on the lockers, watching as he opened the one next to you, “I understand that...” “So do you want to tell me why there’s a bunch of stuff in our locker?” “Oh, that’s for a project I have to do, don’t worry I’m getting it out after school.” “It’s no problem just wanted to know.” he said shutting the locker.

Ichigo leaned on the lockers beside you and looked down at you, “Oh, I meant to ask you yesterday but...are you free on Friday?” his cheeks turned a slight pink.

You tilted your head and blushed slightly, “I-I think I am...why do you ask?” Ichigo grinned, “Well, there’s this basketball game and I was wondering if you wanted to come and watch." “Oh are you on the team?” you asked.

He nodded his head, “Yeah, I’m one of the captains actually.”

“Who are the others?” you asked.

“Well one is Renji and the other is...well his name is Grimmjow, but I’m not sure if you know who that is.” he said.

“Oh, yeah I know him, Grimmjow and I have P.E. together.” you informed him. Ichigo’s eyes narrowed slightly, but he soon turned to the side, “Well I’m hoping you can make it, [Name].” “Don’t worry I’ll be there!” you smiled. Before he took off he gave you a smile.

After he left you went straight to Math, with a smile plastered on your face.

Once you entered your class you sat down next to Toshiro who was already there. “You’re here early, [Name].” You shrugged, “I got here early too, I didn’t think I’d be wide awake on a Monday really.” “So how was your morning?” “It was fine; I got invited to a basketball game this Friday!” you told him.

“That sounds fun…by whom?” he asked, glancing at you.

“Oh, Ichigo invited me to his game. Are you going, Toshiro?” you tilted your head.

He looked back down at his book and sighed, “No, I’m not really into basketball, I don’t really think I’d enjoy myself really.”

You looked down at the table, “Oh, well alright…” He looked over at you, “I’ll go to the next one, [Name], how does that sound?” You perked up at his offer, “Alright, you can do that…but you promise you’ll come right?”

He smiled softly, “Yeah, I promise.”


A/N: Well, for one I'd like to say hello to everyone again. I also want to say I'm sorry, and I don't think that's going to cover it up this time, because the wait was REALLY long. I understand if people want to yell and scream at me and frankly right now I wouldn't put it past you guys. But I'm so happy I got two chapters out! So whoo!! And I also be happy that I'm not dead! So, yeah. Cheer if you'd like! ^u^

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