❂Bleach!: A New School. A New Start!❂Part:8

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After a long antagonizing week, due to the some of the students, you were finally free after one more day. As you got ready for school, you heard a knock on your door.

“Honey, are you decent?” you could hear your mother’s voice on the other side. You slipped on your shoes and opened the door to see her giving you a small smile, “Hey, Mom, did you need something?”

“No, I just wanted to chat with you a bit before you headed off to school. Wanted to see how you’re doing in school. You know…little things.”

You raised a slim eyebrow, “Like what?”

Her smiled turned into a grin, “Oh, like how are classes and friends. Also have you met any cute boys yet?” Blood rushed to your cheeks at her question, “T-That’s none of your business!”

“I beg to differ! I need to know who’s caught my little girl’s eye!” You sighed and grabbed your bag off the floor, pushing your mother out from in front of the door, “I have no time for this. I’ll see you this afternoon!”

You grabbed your lunch off the counter and bolted out the house, hearing your mother’s laughing all the way out of the house.

As you entered the school, you went up to your locker, seeing no signs of Ichigo. You shrugged your shoulders, thinking you’d see him sometime today, grabbing your stuff from your locker you put your lunch inside shutting the door. Getting to your first period early you entered to see Renji standing next to your table with an irritated expression and an unfamiliar person in your seat.

The figure was obviously a female, you noticed by her large bust. She had long and wavy strawberry blonde hair with light cerulean eyes and full lips. With slow steps you stood in front of the table, putting your books down.

The girl spoke up first, “Hey there, you must be [Name], right?” You nodded, sticking out your hand. Apparently she didn’t think that was enough and got up and gave you a hug, squishing you into her chest.

You struggled against her hold and finally got free after a hand tugged you back, “Matsumoto, how many times do I have to tell you to stop doing that!?” Toshiro complained, eyeing the girl. Matsumoto laughed, putting her hands on her hips, releasing you, “So sorry about that. I couldn’t help myself; I really like meeting new people.”

Renji rolled his eyes, but smiled in your direction, “So now that you’ve Matsumoto, [Name], you can accept a lot of that from her.”

You groaned inwardly, glancing at him. “Oh, don’t mind him, he’s just being silly.” she waved him off.  “Well either way it’s nice to meet you, Matsumoto.” you smiled at her.

She smiled back, “You can either call me that or Rangiku. Toshi usually calls me Matsumoto though.” “Do not call me that, Matsumoto.” Toshiro glared at her, while you and Renji laughed at his situation.

After a minute you straightened up and looked up, “So not to be rude or anything, but what are you two doing in here?” Matsumoto grinned, “Well I came to see Toshiro and I brought Renji with me to help my bug him a bit and this one told me you sat here. So I wanted to introduce myself to you. I can’t believe I haven’t come here for a whole week.” She pouted slightly, crossing her arms.

Renji sighed looking up at the clock, “You can pout later, right now we need to be heading back to OUR class.” He grabbed her arm and dragged her out the room right after he waved at you, “See you next period, [Name]!”

You waved until you couldn’t see them anymore and took your seat next to Toshiro. “I’m sorry, Toshiro” “For what, [Name]?” he raised his eyebrow looking at you. You looked at him and sighed, “Well one for laughing at you and the other…Matsumoto, I guess.” You could hear a light chuckle from the boy, “Don’t worry about that…she actually grows on you, believe it or not.”

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