❂Bleach!: A New School. A New Start!❂Part:4

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Once lunch was over you pulled out your schedule. It looked like you had Music, Science, Art, and last Home Ec. You asked Uryu where the music room was a he directed you passed two of your other classes, and down a few halls. ‘I guess it’s so they won’t disturb other classes.’ you thought.

When you walked into the room you were shocked to see students fighting over instruments. You saw a few students over by the teacher who looked a little annoyed. She was very dark-skinned and slender with purple hair in a ponytail, with also nice shiny golden eyes. Overall she was very pretty.

She looked over you and quirked an eyebrow. Once she got passed all the students she made her was over to you, “Hey there, I haven’t seen you around here. You must be my new student. You can call me Yoruichi, ok?” You nodded your head, “I’m, [Name]. It’s nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you too, [Name]. Sorry I’m a bit busy, with everyone fighting over the equipment and everything. How about you pick your instrument first!” she smiled at you, “Hey, everyone! I’m going to let, [Name], here pick her instrument first! So put everything down and back off!”

All the students froze and groaned, some even dropped the instruments on the ground. Yoruichi sighed pinching her eyebrows together, “Stop being so dramatic!” You silently laughed at the teacher and looked around the room, when one of the instruments caught your eye.

“May I please try out the drums?” you said. She grinned when you picked the instrument, “Oh, if you’re going for the drums I believe you want to go and talk to Shuhei.” She pointed to a dark haired teen sitting on the stool for the drums.

You nodded and left her to deal with the other students.

When you were close enough you saw him messing with the drums along with reading a magazine and also you could see more detail about Shuhei. He was very lean with dark gray eyes, short black hair. He also had a few faded scars on his that were barely noticeable.

“Hello there?” he said, waving his hand slightly in your face. You come out of your daydream and start getting flustered. “Oh…sorry about that.” You said, rubbing your hand on your neck.

He smiled, “No, it’s alright. If I heard right you want to learn the drums right?” “Yeah, I know some stuff, but not enough to play a whole song.” you smiled.

“I’m just too surprised that a girl actually picked the drums. Not many people even want to pick it.” he said, shaking his head getting up from the stool, “Come on sit down.” You sat on the stool and picked up the sticks.

He takes one out of your hand and does a little trick with it. “That’s pretty cool.” you said, smiling. He grins down at you, “By the way, I’m Shuhei. What happens to be your name?”

You smiled grew a bit, “You can call me [Name].” He gave you back the stick, but before you could do anything he held your hand a hit the snare drum and right rack tom.

“Ok, [Name], I want you to practice your rhythm, alright?” he asked. You almost didn’t hear what he said; you were a bit to focused on how close he was. “Just practice on the ones we just did for now then I’ll come back and show you some more.” he said, sitting by a near stool.

Music soon came to an end, you had learned a few things while with Shuhei. You thanked him while making your way to the door and headed for Science.

Once you made it to the class room you scanned the room for a seat. The room was very large compared to your other classes. You soon realized that there weren’t any open seats in the front, but one or two in the back.

You quickly hurried to the one next to a raven haired boy. The teacher was writing his name on the board very neatly. You could see that his name was, Mr. Kurotsuchi

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