❂Bleach!: A New School. A New Start!❂Part:1

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“Oh my god I still can’t believe this!” you said to yourself. Your parents decided to move from your old town and into a new lager city. Your father being the workaholic, that he is moved for his job.

Leaving everyone you knew behind at your school to be replaced with the people here.

You walked up to the school gates and looked at the sign, making sure this was the right one. “Mirai High…well that’s a bit strange.” You mumbled.

You looked at your watch and saw you had a few more minutes before the bell rang, so you decided to walk around. As you were walking you saw everyone in groups, some looking, whispering, and even pointing at you it made you nervous.

You were starting to miss your old school.

“Hey, are you new here?” a voice said from behind you. You turned to see two girls; one had long orange hair with two blue flower pin in it. She also had warm brown eyes along with her smile.

The other girl had jet black hair with one strand going down the middle. Her grey eyes stared at you with curiosity.

“Um…hello?”  the girl with black hair said. You shook you head and smiled, “I’m sorry. And to your previous question I am new here.”  The orange haired girl’s smile widened, “Well it’s nice to meet you. I’m Orihime Inoue and this is Rukia Kuchiki!”

You shook both you their hands and gave them your name. “So, [Name], where are you from?” Rukia asked. “I use to live in few towns over from here, but my father made us move here for his job.” You replied.

You all started to walk inside chatting about random things with both girls on your sides. “Oh, [Name], what’s your first class?” Rukia asked suddenly. You stopped and went through your messenger bag and took out your schedule, both girls looking over your shoulder.

“Looks like you have math, first. Then it’s history for your second class.” Rukia read off the paper. “Well we’re in none of those classes, [Name], sorry.” Orihime said apologetically.

“It’s fine I should be able to do fine on my own.” you told the two.  Rukia looked up at the clock on the wall, “Sorry to leave you so early, [Name], but I have to go to class early. Really don’t want to be late, I’ll talk to you later!” she said and started to jog down the hallway.

Orihime giggled and turned to you, “She doesn’t like being late for class.” “I see…she must like them.” you said, smiling.

She nodded and asked, “Would you like to go to your locker?” You nodded and grinned, “Yeah, I’d like that. Don’t want to get lost on the first day.”

Once you told her your locker number she started to lead the way. “My friend is actually your locker neighbor. Her name is Matsumoto Rangiku” she informed you.

“Is she nice?” you asked. “Yep, she can be very friendly! She likes to be friends with everyone, really. Also she’s pretty popular.” She said giving you more information, stopping in front of your locker.

“Well here it is! I’ll see you later, [Name], maybe at lunch. Bye!” she said walking off. ‘She is a really perky girl,’ you thought, watching her figure disappear.

You put the books you weren’t going to need for the first few periods you had in your locker and closed it.

You pulled out your schedule again and looked to where your first class would be held. Once you remembered going passed the door you turned around and started to head that way.

As you were walking you saw two guys that caught you’re interest. One had baby blue hair and light blue eyes. You also saw he had sharp teeth from the way he was grinning, he had a nice toned chest, you saw this because his shirt somewhat revealed it.

The other one had short silver hair, with a fox like smile. His eyes were closed into slits and he had a slim figure. They were both very attractive guys.

When you walked by them you thought you saw the silver haired one staring at you out of the corner of your eye, shivers ran down your spine.

When you turned the corner you stopped and peeked around the edge, you saw him stare the way you went tilting his head.

You straightened up and kept walking like it was nothing. ‘Maybe he was staring into space or the wall…yeah the wall!’ you thought to yourself convinced.

You came up to your class room and opened the door seeing a room full of people, which are now called your classmates.

As you were making your way to the teacher you could feel the stares of your classmates, you felt like you were being judged. ‘Oh, please take a picture!’ you thought, rolling your eyes.

You read the golden nametag on the desk, ‘Ms. Soi-Fon’. “Um…Ms. Soi-Fon, I’m [Name]. I’m new here, could you please tell me where I’m supposed to sit?” you asked politely. The dark haired teacher looked you at you. Her eyes pierced right through you, making shiver go down your spine.

She gave you a grin and glanced around the room, “You see the kid with the snow white hair?” You looked behind you and saw a boy with white hair and emerald eyes.

You turned back to her and gave her a nod. “Go sit by him…Toshiro, [Name] will be sitting by you!” she shouted the last part. Toshiro glanced up then moved his stuff from the space and set it on the ground, then went back to his work.

As you were walking to your new seat the whispers started. “New kid…’great’.” “Why is ‘she’ sitting next to him?” and so on from others.

Once the bell rung Ms. Soi-Fon got up from her chair and began to write some problems on the board. “Ok, get to work on these question.” she said as she sat back down.

The rest of the class and yourself got to work. You were having some trouble with some of them; you took a glance at Toshiro’s paper and saw he was almost down with half of the problem.

‘T-this guy is really smart!’ you thought. Looking around for help your eyes landed back Toshiro. ‘Don’t have much of a choice really,’ you thought.

You tapped his shoulder lightly with your finger. “Yes?” he said with a raised eyebrow, seeming a little annoyed, you could tell. “Sorry, it’s just that we didn’t get to this stuff at my old school. I was wondering if you could help me?” you asked. You could feel the eyes of some people again, waiting to see what he’d say.

“…Sure.” he said, picking up his pencil. You heard some of the girls whispering things like, “Why’s he helping her?!” “She’s going to become a problem!” You could feel some glaring at the back of your head.

You didn’t see the problem, he was just helping you.

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