Chapter 1

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Beep, beep, beep.

I sighed loudly as I switched my alarm off. Ten minutes later, I finally made my way out of bed and slowly undressed from my pyjamas. I walked over to my wardrobe and opened it. Hanging there was my new school uniform. Today was the day I could finally be myself at school. My parents had my name legally changed so my chosen name will be on all the paperwork, instead of my birth name. They had done this whilst I was still at my old school but everyone already knew me as Jade, therefore still referred by that name. It also lead onto bullying. Those who I thought were my friends turned against me and bullied me whenever possible. I couldn't stand it anymore and begged my parents to move house and send me to another school. My older brother and younger sister also had to move school due to this, but they were happy to move as they too were being bullied, because everyone had found out I was transgender and decided to take it out on them as well.

I struggled with my binder for a few minutes, before I had it on properly. Finding a clean pair of black boxers, I put them on as well. I rummaged through my drawer, got my packer and slipped that into my underwear. When I was happy it was positioned correctly and would stay in place, I put my new uniform on. I quickly glanced at myself in the mirror. Yep, definitely looked male, thank goodness. I walked into the bathroom, brushed my teeth and made my hair some-what presentable. Smelling bacon from downstairs, I began to walk down to the kitchen. Sure enough my mum was there cooking up bacon, eggs and sausages. Toast popped out the toaster as I sat on the kitchen counter. Mum turned around and saw me.

"Jake, what have I told you about sitting on the kitchen counter?" She said, as she grabbed the toast. I jumped down, landing with a soft thump. "Thank you. Now, are you looking forward to you first day at school?" She asked buttering the toast and placing it on a plate.

"Kind of, I mean I am looking forward to having a fresh start but I don't know anyone there. What if I don't make any friends because I am too weird?" I asked my mum, concerned. She handed me a plate with toast and bacon.

"I am sure you will make friends Jake. You just needed to talk to people and get to know them." She said, reassuring me. My little sister, Hazel, walked in. Mum handed her a plate of food too. "You two go into the dining room and eat your breakfast. I need to wake your brother up." She said before stomping up the stairs. Me and Hazel sat at the dinner table and dove into our breakfast. We could hear the distant conversation between mum and Felix. Occasionally we laughed at him trying to bargain mum out of making him go to school. Eventually, he was ready in his uniform, and he and mum made their way to the kitchen before joining us.

"Hey guys. Looking forward to our first day at the new school?" He asked as he started shoving bacon in his mouth. My sister began jumping up and down with joy. She has always liked school, until she started to get bullied because of my name change. It was good to see her happy about going to school again.

"I can't wait, I am going to make new friends. I will meet new teachers..." She began to ramble, Felix nodding every now and then, to make it look as though he was interested in what she was saying. Meanwhile, I started thinking about everything that could go wrong. What if my packer started falling out of my underwear and someone saw, what would I do? What if I have to get changed in the female changing rooms for P.E?What if I had to use the female toilets?

"Jake, are you even listening to me? We are about to go." Felix said. I sighed, as I stood up and took my plate in to the kitchen. I ran upstairs and grabbed my backpack which I had packed the night before. After double checking everything I needed was in there, I walked back downstairs and said goodbye to mum, I shouted goodbye to my dad. I got no reply, he had gotten a new job and unfortunately he had the night shifts so he would sleep in very late.

"Have fun." Mum called, as me and my siblings began our walk to school. The school was only ten minutes away, hence, we didn't have mum driving us. We walked through the gates, where we were greeted by one of the teachers.

"Hi, you must be Felix, Jake and Hazel. I am Miss Smith." She shook our hands in turn, before leading us to her office. "As it is your first day and you do not know your way around school, we will allow you to be a bit late to class as you will probably get lost at some point during the day. Don't worry, all your teachers are aware that you are new and that you may be late, so no need to worry about that." She glanced at her screen and began talking about the rules, times of lessons, break, lunch and what not. After a minute or two she had finished and asked us if we had any questions. We shook our heads. "Okay, well I will take you two to your form rooms and give you your timetables. And then I need to talk to Jake privately before doing the same for him. Wait here a few minutes Jake." With that she handed Felix and Hazel their timetables and began to lead them out.

"Meet you at the gate at three." Felix said before the door closed behind them.

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