Alternate Ending

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TRIGGER WARNING: Brief mention of self harm.

Zoe had cleaned up my wrists and we sat there quietly. She had cried. I had cried. But we had stopped now. She leaned over and hugged me and didn't want to let go, and I didn't want to let go either. "We were doing so well Jake. So well."

She began to cry again. And I followed. "We will get through this." She kept repeating. I slowly began to believe her.

"Miss Smith said it will all be sorted out Zoe. It will be fine." I said, hoping she would calm down. "Tomorrow we will go in like nothing happened and it will all be fine." I continued.

I asked her to stay the night as I didn't want to be alone, and by the looks of it neither did she. She called her mum explaining the situation and she was more than happy for Zoe to stay the night. My parents were fine with it as well, in fact they were over the moon, as they knew I needed as much support as I could get at this point.

Mum brought up hot chocolates for me and Zoe, just after dinner. My binder was really beginning to hurt so I needed to get it off. I got up off my bed and grabbed I baggy jumper of mine. Zoe automatically turned away knowing what I was going to do, and that I was uncomfortable taking my binder off in front of her. I didn't need to tell her anything, she would just do it. I slipped out of my binder and threw on the jumper. Much better.

"Done." I said as I sat back on the bed. She turned back around and hugged me. We didn't say anything, but the hug meant a lot right now.

We were beginning to get sleepy and we laid down on my bed under the blankets. She had borrowed a pair of pjs from me, which were quite baggy on her. It was kind of amusing me. I soon felt quite hot and sweaty, normally I was fine, but having another human being's body heat next to you, kind of had an impact. Sometimes in the summer it would get really hot at night so I would sleep topless, but Zoe was right there. The heat was becoming too much, the top was going to have to go.

"Zoe?" I whispered.

"Mhmm..." she sounded half asleep. I turned to face her. Sure enough, barely able to keep her eyes open.

"I am getting too hot so the top is gonna go." I said. Not sure what she would do in response to that.

"Okay, want me to roll over?" She said, the tiredness clearly impacting her speech.

"Yes please." I replied. She slowly rolled over and I slipped my top off as quickly as possible. The cool air hitting my skin. I sighed in relief. I pulled the blanket up to cover my chest. As it was a thin blanket I was at the perfect temperature now. So much more comfortable. "You can roll back over now if you want." I said. But I didn't get a response. "Zoe?" I listened closely and heard the ever so slight sounds of snoring. I smiled and shortly after went to sleep myself.


Like Miss Smith had promised, everything was solved by the next day. Alex had to write a letter of apology to me, for outting me and using offensive language towards me. He had to write one for Zoe, as he went to attack her, and would of done had Charlie not taken the hit. And he had to write one for Charlie, for punching him. No one really spoke to Alex from then onwards. He was always by himself.

Everyone was extremely accepting and couldn't care less that I was trans. I now get changed in the main male changing rooms, and none of the guys have a problem with that. They treat me as any other guy and I couldn't be more thankful for that. Declan was now acting so much nicer towards me and Zoe. I still am not sure if he is acting or not...but I guess time will tell.

Overall, everything is amazing. Everyone knows I am trans and everyone accepts that and treats me as a guy, despite knowing the whole trans thing. Maybe coming out wasn't so bad after all...even if it wasn't intended...even if it wasn't me who told everyone...I would have to thank Alex one day, outting me was the best thing that's happened to me.


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