Chapter 4

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I turned around and looked at Zoe. "Who the hell are they? Are you okay?" I asked as she leaned against the wall wiping her tears away with her jumper.

"Remember those two boys, Charlie and Declan? They are the girlfriends." She replied, I noticed how she had not answered if she was okay. This must be something that happens often. She was no longer crying and was no longer leaning against the wall. "Come on then. Let's get food." She started to make her way to the dining hall. I stopped in front of her grabbing her arm.

"Are you alright?" I asked hoping I would get an answer.

"I'm fine. Used to that stuff now, I don't cry as much as I used to now. Come on, let's go." She walked around me and grabbed my wrist pulling me along with her. We sat at a small table by ourselves, it seemed as though Zoe wasn't friends with anyone here. I felt sorry for her, but I was here now and I promised myself that I would stay with her. I continued to day dream as I ate my sandwich.

The bell rang so we got up grabbed our bags and headed to class. I followed Zoe as I didn't have a clue where to go. We walked into a room full of computers, in rows. Once again, Zoe let me sit next to her in one of the back corners. Our teacher was already in the room and said hello. I already had the work sent to me through email so the teacher didn't need to get me anything. "That's a supply teacher." Zoe said. "Our actual teacher is on holiday but will be back next week." More students pushed into the classroom smiling when they saw we had a supply. The bell rang.

"Settle down. I have to register you and then I will tell you about the lesson." Soon enough the register was completed and she was talking about the lesson. "Your teacher has left a note saying that you must continue with the project you started last week in your pairs. The project must be finished by the end of the half term so it can be marked in the holidays and you can get your results when you get back. There should also be a new student...Jake?" I raised my hand. She nodded towards me. "Get on everyone." She walked over to me and Zoe. "Your teacher said that the work has been sent to you." I nodded. "This young lady here can explain it to you, as she probably has a better understanding than me." She looked over at Zoe, who was nodding. "Okay, I will leave you two alone and let her explain things if you need anything let me know." She smiled politely and walked back to the teacher's desk.

Zoe began explaining what the project was about. It seemed relatively simple. I had already looked over the work the teacher had emailed so I had a brief understanding about the work. But Zoe definitely explained it better than any teacher could. "She said we had to work in pairs, who are you with?" I asked.

"No one. I usually prefer working by myself because if I work with others they make me do all the work and they still take credit for it at the end. But you seem different, like you wouldn't do that." She said looking at her screen, adjusting lines of code.

"Would you like to carry on by yourself or could I join you? I would never do something like that, its mean." I said looking at her code.

"You can work with me, but as soon as you start making me do all of the work you're out." She said as she ran her code. She raised her arms in triumph as her code worked. I laughed. "That's what you have to do, make up anything and hope it works." She said grinning.

"Which bits would you like me to do?" I asked, looking at the Word Document with a list of different tasks we had to create a program for.

"Well I have already done these two." She said highlighting the two tasks on my screen in light green. "We will just split it evenly and both get easy and hard ones, so it is fair." She started highlighting them in pink and blue. "Blue ones you do, pink ones I do. If you get stuck ask me and I will swap it for another one. Once you complete it highlight it in dark green. Then we know who completed which task as mine will be in light green. Easier to keep track." She said as she looked back at her screen. I decided to email it to her so we both had a copy. Soon a message popped up in the corner of her screen. She opened it and realised it was me. She looked at me and grinned. "So I have your email now, but not your phone number, yet." She said as she saved the document.

She must have flirted with me... surely. She blatantly said she wanted my phone number. First step in flirting, get the person's phone number.

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