Frusterations: 2 Fun:0

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I still can't get the spin kick right. Everything else is fine. Ugh. I'm in a training cubicle during individual training review, ineffectively trying to perfect this move. I need to be able to get it right, or I won't be able to get to the next level.
Energy. Force. Movement. Keep my back up straight, kick out, good... I lose my balance and promptly fall on my tailbone. Ouch! I wince. I'll have to get an ice pack during my learning time, which I don't like the idea of, but, my butt is hurting like there's no tomorrow!
I get up, try again. Clumsy, but not too bad. As I spin, I see a silhouette leaning against my cubicle door.
I immediately trip and fall.
The person, a boy who looks around my age, steps inside the cubicle; and smirks.
" THIS is how it's done," he boasts, in a smooth deep voice, soft and hard at the same time.
His bright blue eyes bore into my eyes for a fraction of a second, then he rapidly executes a perfect spin kick. PERFECT. No flaws at all.
The boy brushes his dirty blond hair out of his eyes, flashes me a cheeky smile, then saunters out of the cubicle like as if he has no worries in the world.
I tug on my messy braid. Brown strands are escaping the prison of captured hair.
How DARE he! Just coming in, then doing that flawless kick! I feel hot and cold at the same time. Angry and confused.
I go over to a punching bag, then start beating the crap out of it.
"Whoa! What happened here?" I start, at the sound of Mr. Firm's voice.
"Nuthin'" I meekly answer.
"Uh huh," the coach says incredulously, but he doesn't press. "Let's see how that spin kick is doing," he barges on.
Though it's not as good as the one Mystery Boy did, it is passable.
"Alright, perfect!" Mr. Firm exclaims. "Next level, here you come!"
But all I can think about, is that Mystery Boy's kick was awesome; and he's so hot.

On the way to quiet tutor time, I come across Ms. Tariti, who is yelling at a boy in front of her, cowering in fear.
"It's 2045! You would think kids would get better as the years pass, but nooooooo, they get WORSE! I want that stash of gum OUT in the garbage dump by the end of the hour! do you understand?"
The boy nods yes, as frightened as a deer in headlights.
I skirt around them; and continue on my way.
I grab an ice pack from the nurse's office, then head on over to the tutor stations.
I tell Riss about Mystery Boy.
"Sooooo, he just walked right in and..."
"Yes,"I interrupt.
"Hmmmm,"Riss says thoughtfully. "Was he hot?" She asks, as an afterthought.
"Yes," I say again.
"Huh," Riss says, shrugging her shoulders. "Beats me," she says.

That night, I try to concentrate on my work, but it's so hard. Grrrr. I can't stop thinking about Mystery Boy. He's weird, I think to myself, that's all, but somehow, my heart doesn't agree.

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