Enemies and Allies

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I wake up, then drag myself to the mirror. A knock on the door sends me into a fit of screaming, but when Koris bursts in, I immediately stop.
"Aero! Whatever is the matter!" She asks, alarmed.
"I'm sorry. You scared me," I admit.
"Oh dear! I though you had been attacked or something!" Koris breathes in deeply, then smiles at me.
"Well, Aero, ready for dressing?"
"Yes," I reply.
"Oh, I forgot, you gotta bathe first!" Koris giggles.
She helps start the bath, then helps me undress and climb in. Though the water is wonderful, I can't help feeling I've forgotten something, but though I dig deep into the recesses of my mind, I can't for the life of me figure it out!
Then, while Koris hands me a towel, the forgotten item rushes to mind.
To Koris' puzzlement, I hurriedly dry, squeeze on the simple dress; and the flats; and run out the door.

I am gasping for breathe by the time I find Striker, in the garden.
"You sound like a dying fish!" He teases, but when he sees my panic, all trace of humour is sucked from his face.
"What?" He asks, urgently.
"What has happened to Riss and Oridion?"

I watch as Striker dials, his face devoid of colour, his knuckles straining white at the pressure he's squeezing.
The dean immediately answers. Before Striker can even speak, the dean pour forth what sound like a thousand apologies; and a very lengthy explanation.
Striker thanks him, then hangs up.
"Apparently, there was a hold up," Striker says slowly.
"They are at the academy right now. We'll have to do this alone."
"We have each other," I say, trying to sound reassuring, but Striker looks me up and down doubtfully.
"How do I know you're not gonna fling yourself at the first guy you see? How can I trust you?" He demands, anger rising in his voice.
I turn and run away.

"Hey beautiful," Talon says, as he passes me at the table.
I don't reply. He IS a jerk! I saw him fondling several girls before it reached NOON today!
"Awwww, did somebody put the little beauty in an ice box?" He coos.
"Don't talk to me," I hiss at him. "You're a playboy!"
"Fine then," he says, straightening.
He bares his teeth at me, fangs gleaming.
My breath comes back to me all in a whoosh.
Striker watches me carefully from the other end of the table, where the Countess is trying to engage his attention.
My hands shake so much, I have to sit on them. A plate shatters in the kitchen; and I have to rush out of the room.

Striker frightens me by coming into my room as I'm unpinning my hair from the crude braid I made earlier.
Striker looks surprised to see me doing this, but doesn't leave. Instead, he settles himself against the wall.
I watch him through the mirror while unraveling the braid.
He looks dead serious.
Finally, I'm done, brushing and all; and I have to turn around.
I find myself face to face with Striker, or, rather, face to chest.
I glance up. I let myself be lost in those blue eyes.
Striker touches a hand to my cheek, then escapes out the door, where I see Koris standing, mouth agape.
"He IS your boyfriend!" She says, as soon as he tongue gets loose.
"No he isn't," I calmly reply.
"He might as well be," Koris says, snorting.
"The way he looked at you," she can't keep the awe out of her voice.
"He. Hates. Me," I say in monotone.
"Uh uh!" Koris argues. "He looked at you as though he REALLY REALLY wanted you!"
"Yeah, right," I scoff. "He could get any girl he wants! Why would he choose me!?"
"That's the POINT! He IS choosing you, dumbass!" Koriss yells wildly.
"Shh!" I frantically gesture at her to SHUT UP, but she won't.
I groan and wonk out on the bed.
"LISTEN to ME!" Koris cries, shaking my shoulders.
"I am listening to you," I report.
Koris rolls her eyes.
"Then ACT like it!" She yells.
"Whatever," I say, sitting up.
"Do you know how frustrating you are?" Koris questions.
I laugh.
"Why would I be frustrating to myself?"
"Good point," Koris admits.
"The Countess has asked you and Striker to tea today," Koris says, sober faced.
"You'd better be careful."
"Thanks for the warning," I say weakly.
"I already have the stuff picked out," Koris continues.
"Here," she thrusts a big fluffy projectile at me.
I duck.
"You were supposed to CATCH that!" Koris says crossly.
"Oh," I say demurely.
"Let's get it on," she says.
I obey.
It's a dress, short, silver; and hip hugging.
Koris gives me cute silver heels to wear, red hot lipstick, silvery eyeshadow; and is arranging my hair in a "messy bun" as she calls it, when the door is knocked.
"Just a minute!" Koris answers for me.
She sprits a few squirts of silver streaks into my dark hair, then pronounces me ready.
Koris goes to open the door; and let's out a startled, "Oh!"
I emerge from my bathroom; and lock eyes with Striker. Our eyes wander over each other's bodies; and we meet again at our eyes.
Striker is gorgeous in a tuxedo, with his shaggy hair and blue eyes.
My breath hitches as I look into his eyes once again.
I don't even notice Koris slipping out the door.

As we walk to the Countess' private tea room, yes, ridiculous, but, it still exists, Striker and I can't stop gazing at each other. Halfway there, I can't resist reaching up my hand and running my hand through Striker's hair.
His eyes widen. I briskly resume walking, reaching the tea room, before the appointed time.

"Hellllllloooo!" Countess Scara mews, as we walk in.
Striker and I just stare at her uncomfortably.
"But why are YOU here?" She asks, jabbing a finger at me.
"Um, well, I'll go since I'm not wanted," I say, backing out of the room.
"No, please Countess, can't she stay?" Striker bangs, holding my arm with an iron fist.
"I SUPPOSE," she says, relenting.
"Bring in the pastries!" Countess Scara shouts.
"I don't want to be left alone with her, she creeps me out!" Striker discreetly murmurs into my ear, as we seat ourselves.
When the pastries arrive, the three of us munch in silence.
The Countess keeps darting mean glances at me. I'm so nervous, the plate in my hands begins to shake.
The look the Countess keeps giving me is so unnerving, I abandon my plate on the table; and escape the room.
Striker starts after me, but I hear the Countess cooing at him, "Stay, won't you?"

In my room, I collapse into my chair, startling Koris, who is picking out items from my wardrobe.
"Miss! I mean, Aero! You're back early! What happened?"
"The Countess was looking at me funny. I think she wanted to be alone with Striker," I say, numbly.
Koris gasps.
"She could bite him and he could become a vampire too!" She exclaims, frightened.
"He can take can of himself," I mumble.
"Here, Aero, there's a simple shift for you to wear."
"You're welcome. You be careful, now," then Koris goes, leaving me to dress myself.

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