Home Time

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"Hey, yeah, uh huh, ok, see ya." Striker talks into his phone.
"Mr. Firm's coming to pick us up. We'll have to stay here for a couple days," Striker announces, stretching, revealing his abs.
Striker grins at my awed expression.
"Wanna touch 'em?" He asks.
I raise an eyebrow.
"Don't get your hopes up," I shoot at him.
"Aw, c'mon!" He pleads, dragging me to our room.
He locks the door then proceeds to take off his shirt.
My eyes pop. my gaze travel across the firmly packed muscles.
Striker chuckles at my awestruck expression. He leans against the door.
I start over to him, but he dances out of my reach just as I reach him.
"You can't catch me!" He yells, as I chase him around the room.
Suddenly, he trips on a ridge in the floor, which sends him sprawling.
I trip on HIM, and fall on top, making Striker say, "oof!"
"You're heavy!" He complains.
I just laugh, then kiss him.
"I caught you after all," I boast, looking into his eyes.
"Yes, you certainly did," Striker answers, with his wicked grin.

Riss and I squeal as we hug each other.
She notices Striker watching me protectively; and says, "Um...?" Questioningly.
"Yeah, we're together," I affirm; and Riss jumps up and down.
"Awesomness!" She declares. "You've kissed right?"
"Uh, yeah," I say, as the person mentioned heads towards us.
"Congratulations!" Riss bursts out, as Striker wraps an arm around my waist.
"What?" Striker scoffs. " Are we having a baby?" He asks, turning towards me.
Even Riss looks surprised.
"You two DID that?" She exclaims.
"Er, no, and no," I fumble, blushing.
"Well, why would she be having a baby?!" Riss exclaims angrily.
"Dunno," Striker says, shrugging, then walks away.
"I meant congratulations that you and Aero are together!" Riss calls after him.
He gives us a wicked grin, then continues on.
Riss shakes her head.
"Yeah I know, so immature," I tell her.
"Exactly," Riss says, nodding her head. "But I'm still glad you're back."

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