Forces of Science and Chemistry

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"NOOO!" Riss screams at me, ignoring Ms. Tariti's poisonous glare.
"It's WORK equals force times DISTANCE!!! And FORCE equals MASS times ACCELERATION!!!"she screeches.
"Ok, ok, miss hoity toity! Don't get your knickers in a knot!" I say, in a huff.
"Well, it's frustrating," Riss grumbles.
"At least you can help me," I comment.
"That's true, and Aero, you most definitely need help!" Riss says, grinning.
"True dat!" I agree.
We dissolve into giggles.
"What's happenin' here?" A deep voice asks.
I turn to the source; and my smile vanishes. It's Mystery Boy.
I swallow.
"Hi," I manage to squeak.
"Has your spin kick improved?" He asks, with a devilish grin.
"Yes, actually," I return angrily. "I've moved up a level, to work on the window shade, the headlock, the roll, and the back kick." I say haughtily.
"That's good," Mystery Boy says, smiling, then meanders away.
Riss' mouth is hanging open. I reach over and snap it up.
"Was that HIM?" She asks in reverence.
"Yup," I say.
"He's like, a TEN on the hot scale! I can't believe he actually did that kick for you!" She says in awe.
"He didn't do it FOR me," I say in disdain. "He was trying to show off!"
"I think he was trying to HELP you," Riss says, scowling at me.
"Whatever," I mutter.
"No, seriously!" Riss objects. "He seems friendly enough."
"All hot boys do, until you get to know them!" I yell, gaining a disapproving glance from Ms. Tariti.
"What's this talk about hot boys?" Oridion asks, joining us.
"Nothing," I say, sullenly.
"It's about MMMPHHH!" Riss says, as I stuff my hand in front of her mouth.
"MMMPHHH? Oridion asks, chuckling. "Is that a new type of cookie?" He wonders, glancing at me.
"It's AAMPH!" Riss says, as I stuff her mouth again; and drag her out the door.
I can hear Oridion laughing, as Riss flails around, trying to escape my clutches.

"Don't tell your brother about this!" I say, shaking Riss' shoulders.
"Why not? You like him?" Riss ask, all coy.
"No, no , no," I say. "It's just..."
" Just what?" Riss prompts.
" Mystery Boy...."
"Ok FINE I won't tell!!!" Riss says impatiently. "Sheesh! I dunno WHY you feel so weird about this, but I guess if you don't want anyone else to know..."
"Thank you!" I say, a surge of relief flowing through me.
Riss just shakes her head; and heads back to work.

At group hangout that night, I see Mystery Boy across the room, while talking to Riss and Oridion.
He is leaning against the door jamb, surveying the room. Our eyes meet; and he gives me a wicked smile, then winks.
I blush. Mystery Boy's smile deepens.
"Helloooooooo! Anybody home?" Riss questions, annoyed, noticing my inattentiveness to her story.
On the other side, I feel Mystery Boy watching me, as I turn back to Riss.
"Yeah I'm here," I say, my eyes flickering back to HIM.
Both Riss and Oridion notice my gaze wandering; and Riss' eyes widen in understanding. Oridion just looks confused.
Quickly, Riss and I take turns filling in the blanks; and Oridion's face clears.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Mystery Boy heading over to us.
I hear Riss' sharp intake of breath. Oridion looks uncomfortable. To my dismay, I blush uncontrollably, as Mystery Boy strolls toward us, inching closer and closer. I avert my eyes. Mystery Boy is soon standing right next to me. I can feel his breath on my neck.
"Hello," he says.
My whole body is frozen. If, in that moment, somebody had come charging at me with a knife, I wouldn't have been able to react. Unbelievable.... Right?
"Hi," the siblings say, in sync.
I'm still frozen. I can't say anything.
"Cat got your tongue?" Mystery Boy quips.
At that, my temper rises.
"When someone doesn't talk, you should leave them be!" I yell at him.
His whole face hardens. He turns away from me; and faces Oridion.
"So, you have two girlfriends?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.
"Uh, um, N- no," Oridion stammers, fearful.
Though Oridion is tall, Mystery Boy dwarfs him by A WHOLE LOT. No exaggeration.
Riss saves her brother by saying, "I'm his sister."
"Uh huh," Mystery Boy says, flicking his eyes to her. "And THIS maniac?" He snarls, gesturing at me.
"We're just friends," Oridion says, he face blanching white.
He is very nervous, I can tell. A trickle of sweat slowly works it way down his face before Mystery Boy speaks again.
"I didn't think so," Mystery Boy finally says. "You don't seem her type."
Then he starts to walk away.
"And what WOULD be my type?" I venture to say.
I'm quite curious.
Mystery Boy slowly twists around. His eyes look into mine, it's as though he knows everything that is in my mind.
He doesn't say anything. It's like he's challenging me to figure it out myself.
Then he says one word. Just a breathe of a whisper.
Then he whips around; and is swallowed by the mass of moving teenagers.

Oridion breaks the silence.
"Who the fudge does he think he is?! 'STRONG'. Huh! IS he saying I'M not strong!"
He has begun to pace in front of Riss and me. His fists curled, his jaw clenched.
Riss looks completely terrified.
"Maybe he's demented?" I offer lamely.
"He seemed perfectly fine to me!" Oridion objects.
Riss bites her lip. Oridion glances at her; and it's as if all his anger just goes up in a puff of smoke. His shoulders sag.
"Don't worry about it," Riss pleads. "You don't like Aero anyways, so,"
"You're right," Oridion admits. "Let's just forget this, ok?"
And we do.

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