Vampires, Werewolfs, and... Jerks?

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I open a closet to find it stuffed with dresses. Wonderful. At least I won't freeze to death while I'm here. I might STARVE to death, though. I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse!!!
A soft knock resounds on my door.
"Miss?" I hear a voice call.
"Come in," I answer.
An alluring smell makes me turn to the door.
"Here, miss, I've brought some soup for you," the maid announces, precariously balancing several plates in her arms.
She places an appetizing bowl in front of me.
"There you go, miss," she says, already heading back to the door.
"Thank you," I tell her.
The maid freezes mid stride.
"Your welcome," she replies smoothly.
"What's your name?" I inquire.
"Koris, miss," she replies, trying to hide her shaking hands.
"My name is Aero. You don't need to call me miss,"
"Yes miss. I mean, Aero," Koris says, sweeping a quick bow and ducking out of the room.
Well, there's ONE person who seemed decent enough.
I eat the soup with no interruptions.
At 7:30 pm, Koris comes back, with unwelcome news.
"You are to eat with the Countess; and your a, um," Koris fumbles.
"My companion," I provide.
"Er, yes, that's it, your companion," Koris says, blushing bright red.
"Let's see," she says, turning to the closet.
She hems and haws as she scrutinizes me, then the dresses in the closet.
"Gotcha!" She finally says, brightening up, consideringly.
My eyes widen. The dress Koris has chosen is breath taking. It is a deep pink, revealing the shoulders; and sticking close to the body till the feet.
Koris helps me into it, then pick up a pair of rose satin shoes to have me put them on.
She brushes my hair, then leaves it swishing around my face. She places pink studs in my ears.
I look pretty good! I grin at my reflection in the mirror. Koris grins too.
"You look absolutely great!"
"Thanks!" I reply.

At the dining room, Striker refuses to look at me, but loads of other guys stare at me like they want to suck my blood... Which they probably do, since they're vamps, but still, it's creepy!
No one is sitting, they are just milling around, so I just tuck myself into the corner of a window. Koris has to help in the kitchen, so I'm all alone.
A hot young dude comes up to me; and smiles seductively at me, revealing a pair of, surprisingly, sexy fangs.
He has dark brown hair, and some pretty cool green eyes.
My eyes widen as he leans in close and says, "You look ravishing tonight, Aero,"
"How do you know my name?" I question.
He laughs.
"Everyone's been talking about our two guests, Striker and Aero. I figured, I've never seen you before, you know," he says, shrugging his shoulders.
"I see," I comment, a smile twitching the corners of my mouth.
"My name's Talon," he says, leaning even closer.
"Mmm, I can smell your sweet blood," he whispers, caressing my neck with his lips.
In a flash, Striker's there.
"Get away from her!" He growls.
" Oh? Is she your girlfriend?" Talon asks teasingly.
That leaves Striker speechless.
"Didn't think so!" Talon scoffingly says.
I can feel the waves of jealousy rolling off Striker as Talon nuzzles my neck.
A slow rumble is emitted from Striker's throat; and he lunges at Talon.
I can feel the testosterone crackling in the air as the two boys tussle.
I stand back, unsure of what to do.
"Come here, child," An elderly lady beckons to me from a few feet away. I leap to her side.
"I'm Scarlett, nice to meet you," the lady says, introducing herself.
"Aero, yes, everyone's been flappin' their gums all afternoon about you and... " Scarlett's lip curls as she indicates Striker.
" But I admire his loyalty. He's willing to fight for you."
"We're not together," I say, sneaking a glance at the lady.
"Nonsense!" Scarlett says, flapping her hand.
"You shoulda seen his face when Talon was, um, CARESSING, your neck."
"Um," I say.
"He looked ready to murder him, seriously!"
I look at her incredulously.
"It's true!" She vouches.
An epic groan suddenly fills the room. Everyone freezes.
Striker has Talon on the ground; and he's punching him for all he's worth.
"That's enough!" A sharp voice rings out; and the crowd parts like the Red Sea, to admit the Countess.
"We do not beat people up in MY castle!" She exclaims. " It doesn't matter what Talon did! I will not permit it!"
The countess sweeps to her throne; and activity continues as is had before. Talon limps out of the room; and Striker stares at me across it.
He's breathing heavily, his face dripping with sweat. He starts to come over, but, he stops; and contents himself with just staring. So I go over.
"Did you like him going all over you?" Striker asks, panting.
I don't answer. In a gross way, I did.
Striker's face falls when I don't answer; and he strides off towards the bathrooms. I don't stop him. What is there to say?

"It is time for the werewolves to go out!" The Countess announces.
A chorus of groans wafts up from the crowd, but the werewolves leave accordingly.
Exactly on the stroke of midnight, a symphony of howls pierces the night sky.
I shiver.
A crafty looking man tiptoes up to me and places his arm around my shoulder.
"There, there, you won't be cold now!" He says, with a toothy grin.
I duck out from under his shoulder; and run out into the hall, bumping straight into Striker.
He winces, as the impact makes its mark.
"Hey, you ok?" He asks, with surprising tenderness.
I try to nod, but a small sob escapes me. Then another; and another, until I'm soaking Striker in a torrent of tears.
He doesn't say anything. Just holds me. I'm thankful to him for that.
I hug him tighter. Striker responds by propping his chin on my head. I feel completely safe.
"Come on, let's go," Striker says.
"No," I say, burying my face deeper into Striker's shirt.
He smells like clean laundry and the night sky, all in one.
I spot a balcony up above; and I pull Striker up the stairs.
We're both out of breath by the time we reach the top, but it's worth it. The stars render me starstruck.
"There's Orion's Belt," I whisper.
We stay in silence for a while, until a clamour behind us attracts our attention.
"Ah! This is where you've been hiding!" The Countess exclaims, grasping Striker's hand.
"C'mon baby, let's go dance!" She says, giggling.
Striker doesn't look happy, but he can't refuse, so he unwillingly goes.

I stand in peace for a bit, until Talon decides to find me.
Now Striker's not here, so I feel helpless... Talon's got the wits, charm, hotness, and sexiness, to get any girl he wants!
He kisses my neck, shoulders, cheeks, then finally, my lips.
It's like an explosion of fruit punch in my mouth; and his tongue probes every corner of my mouth. His hands start to wander, too. Soon, he's hitching up my skirt and feeling up my legs, to my butt.
An angry "haramph!" Breaks us apart.
Striker is standing there, his arms crossed.
Talon mock bows and leaves.
Striker sighs.
"Aero..." He starts.
The ways he says my name makes me feel warm and gooey inside.
"Aero, do you... Do you actually like me? At all? Because if you don't, that's ok, but, I'd like to know."
"Yes," I lisp.
"Then why?..." He trails off.
I glance away. I can't answer.
Striker sighs, then walks off. Leaving me alone, with the stars.

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