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In the haxi, Striker and I barely speak. He keeps looking over at me, like he can't quite understand me, but that's rich, coming from someone like him! It feels awkward and the strained silence is killing me... But I don't say anything.
Wimp! I think to myself. Ugh.

At the entrance to Pakusso, Striker and I descend from the haxi.
We're still in that awkward silence. I sigh.
Striker turns to look at me, then quickly looks away.
All the way through the village, it keeps up like this: Us sneaking glances at each other, trying to do so when the other isn't looking. Guess what? IT DOESN'T WORK!!! We both know when the other is staring at us; and we ceremoniously blush.
ARRRRRGH! We're a couple of cowards. I rush ahead, noting Striker's troubled expression. I run and run and run.
I don't even care where I'm going. Soon, I come across a quiet meadow; and sink to the ground, crying.
In a few minutes, I hear the thump of feet, followed by Striker shouting, "Aero!!! Where are you?"
I muffle my cries and hold still. I hear Striker coming closer, thundering through the underbrush.
His calls become more urgent and frantic, but I don't reveal myself.
Suddenly, Striker is there, his face morphing into a mixture of anger, relief, and hurt, as his eyes land on me.
"We're almost to the castle, then our real mission can begin!" He says, impatiently.
In a gentler tone, he adds, "I know it's hard for you..."
"Don't assume what, or what not is hard for me!" I yell, frantically dashing tears away.
Striker tries to wrap me in his arms, but I dart away before they fully encircle me.
"Get AWAY from me!" I cry, bursting into tears once again.
Striker stands helplessly, a few feet away, sporting a look full of confusion and pain.
The suddenly, he explodes.
He yanks my hair and delivers a blow to my skull, so hard, that my teeth chatter.
Then, realizing what he's just done, he starts saying sorry so many times, my head is buzzing with sorries.
I compose myself, with some difficulty, then look up at Striker.
"Let's go," he says, quietly, then walks away without another word.

We trudge to the castle without saying anything. Complete and eerie silence.
Striker knocks on the drawbridge; and it slower lowers.
At the door, a guard opens the door wordlessly.
"This way," he growls.
We are led into the throne room, and I see the Countess Scara on her throne.
"Hello," she says, curving her mouth into a seductive smile.
Her eyes instantly zoom in on Striker, who is sullenly trying to hide behind his hair.
"We MUST have that hair cut!" She exclaims, her eyes glowing. "That face is simply TOO wonderful to be hidden.
Her gaze drops on me disdainfully.
"Nothing to you," she says, sniffing haughtily.
"Bring them to rooms!" She calls, cheerily.
A couple guards appear out of thin air; and escort us to opposite ends of the castle.

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