chapter 2

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Maddie sat on the bench with the only boy who ever really sat on the bench, Stiles Stilinski, who was one of her best friend. Stiles was waiting for Scott to show up since he was late, sort of, for practice. Surprisingly, so was Jackson. Stiles glanced over at the girl beside him and had to take a double take when he really saw her. Her bottom lip, the same lip that she always chewed on when she was focused on something, was split open. Or had been recently, really recently he figured since it hadn't been there yesterday. "That a new fashion style thing that I'm not aware of or something?" he asked over to her. She looked up at him confused until he motioned to her lip. "Your lip, Mads. What's the story?" he asked her.

She felt her heart race when she realized what he was talking about. She hadn't thought that he would notice her lip. It wouldn't have been the first time that he and Scott missed her uncovered wounds. It never had, or would, cross his mind that someone, her dad of all people, had done it purposely to her, though. She knew that, and a part of her wished that she didn't. "Oh, um, yo-you know how mu-much of a, um, a klutz I am." she told him nervously as she subconsciously played with her curls. It had always been a nervous habit of her's, but the boys never seemed to notice that either.

Nothing was new this time as he just seemed to go along with her lie. Just like he always had before. A part of her was hurt by that. For once she wished that someone would notice that she was lying, that shewasn't okay. No one ever would, though, not even her best friend sitting beside her. She looked up past Stiles and her eyes landed on the boy that was now coming up onto the field. His helmet was off, revealing to her who he was. It was him. The boy from the other night in the grave yard. He seemed to catch sight of her too as he slowed down to a stop, his eyes widening as they locked on her. He seemed almost blown away to see her looking back at him. She didn't know why, but she gave him a small smile, something that had blown him away even more.

Stiles seemed to notice the smile on her face. He might not notice a lot of things about the girl sitting beside him, but her smile, it was different. He didn't know why, it was just barely a smile, but something about it was just . . . real. He followed to where she was looking and noticed that she was looking at another one of the players. He didn't know his name, he lived by Jackson he thought, but he couldn't be sure. He was taken back when he saw the stunned smile on the kid's face as he looked back at Maddie. What the hell? He spun back to face his friend beside him. "Whoa, Mads, what the hell was that right there?" he asked her, clearly wanting the details on what that was.

Her attention had shifted away from Isaac and back over to Stiles as fast as they possibly could. She shot him another confused look, once again not knowing what he was talking about. He nodded his head to the side, clearly meaning to unnoticeably point to someone close by them. She followed his nod and blushed suddenly when she saw that he was pointing at the boy from the graveyard, Isaac. The boy she never knew lived right across the street from her until last night when he walked her home. She lowered her eyes, still not knowing what Stiles was referring to. "Wh-what was what?" she said out softly to him. She was hoping that he would drop it, but this was Stiles. He never dropped anything that was embarrassing for anyone.

He shook his head at her, knowing that he wasn't going to pretend that he hadn't seen what had just occurred right then with his friend and that kid. Stiles couldn't help but notice as she looked over at Isaac again. "That, Mads." he stressed to her as he motioned between her and Isaac with a knowing look. "That . . . that look thing going on right now with tha-that guy!" he exploded as a chuckle left his lips. She tried to just brush him off, but he saw right through her thanks to her dark blush. "Oh, you like him!" he said out louder then he should have said it. She slapped a hand over of mouth, just wanting him to shut up.

She just shook her head, keeping her innocence on the matter. She didn't know what he was talking about, and she was going to stick with that story. There was no look between her and Isaac, it was just all inside of Stiles' head. "I do not like Isaac, not like that. Yo-you know that I do-don't do crushes." she told him in a hiss, this time not as much stuttering. She slowly dropped her hand from his mouth, hoping to god that he would drop it now. If only she was so lucky. Stiles didn't seem to be discouraged from his theory, though. He was more encouraged if anything else. "Isaac." he said out, as if he were testing the name out. "So that's his name? Interesting." he said back to her with a sly smile.

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