chapter 13

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A half hour later, the three teens were all drunk, or at least two out of the three were very much wasted. Scott, unfortunately, wasn't one of those two. Maddie had been wary of drinking with them, especially with knowing how her dad was when he was drunk, but it wasn't like she could tell Scott and Stiles that. Maddie was giggling mess now as she sat on Scott's lap while Stiles was laid on his back at Scott's feet. Scott hadn't wanted Maddie to hurt herself, plus with her drunken state, she wouldn't notice him looking for bruises on her body either. Which, thanks to her dancing around in just her tank top and shorts, he could see plenty of them on her. He had wanted to ask her about them, but he knew better then to ask while she was drunk. She would hate him in the morning and she would think that he taken advantage of her drunken state.

Stiles hadn't even noticed, or even if he had, he wasn't sober enough to realize that they were bruises. She didn't even seem to notice that she was pretty much bare and exposed to them both right now. She had dropped the coat that she had put on a few minutes ago when she had decided that she wanted to dance around instead of just sitting there. "Dude, you know, she's just one . . . one girl. You know, there's so many. There's so many other girls in the sea." Stiles said out drunkenly to his best friend as he took another swig of the bottle in his hand.

"Fish in the sea." Scott corrected him.

"Fish?" Maddie asked out confused as her head popped up from his shoulder.

She looked down at Stiles then and she gave him a shrug of her shoulders, not knowing where Scott had gotten fish from either. She looked back up at Scott, her hair falling into her face as she gave him her best serious face that she could manage right now. "Why you talking about fish, Scott? Stiles is talking about girls, not the pretty little fishes, silly willy." she told him just as drunkenly, if not more so then Stiles. She reached her arm up and poked his nose before letting her head rest down on his shoulder again.

Stiles looked up at her and gave her a thumbs up. He couldn't have said it any better himself, even if he had tried to. He dropped his hand back down to his side and he let out a drunken laugh to them. "I love girls. I love 'em. I love, especially ones with strawberry blond hair, green eyes, 5'3 . . . and-and, Maddie likes guys with sandy blond curls, blue eyes, and she likes them two feet taller then her." he went on to say to his two friends sitting on the rock above him. "Speaking of Isaac, Mads. You should so just jump his bones already." he said up to the drunken girl. "I see it like this, boy likes girl, which is so painstakingly obvious. Girl likes boy, which is also very obvious. Make it simple, Mads, just go right to the sex." he told her as if it was common knowledge that she should already know.

Scott shook his head at his drunken friend, not believing that he had just suggested that to their other best friend. Said best friend who was obviously not in a good home and obviously needed their help. He would have to try and do something to help her and get her out of that house, but not tonight. Tonight, he just wanted to feel bad for himself and his bad break up with Allison. He was more then surprised when Maddie jumped up from his lap, as if she actually liked the idea that Stiles had suggested to her. "That's a great idea, Stiles! I'll jump his bones!" she exclaimed as she stumbled away before they could stop her.


Maddie had eventually made it back to her street on her own, all thoughts of jumping Isaac's bones momentarily forgotten. Granted, she had lost her shoes along the way, and she was pretty sure that she had left her jacket back with the boys in the park, but other then that, she was okay. She noticed right away that her dad still wasn't home yet, which worked out well for her in the long run. At least, she thought that it was her house. She went up to the front door and tried to open it to go inside, but she had no luck in doing so. She tried to open it again, but still nothing happened. She finally just gave up after the fourth try and she had decided then to just lay out on the grass. She just stared up at the stars until a face loomed over hers. "Isaac!" she cheered out when she realized who it was.

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