chapter 5

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Thankfully, like Stiles' dad, Maddie's dad worked late a lot too. She tried to stay out of her house as much as she possibly could. She knew never to be home when he got home from work, it was the worst possible time for her to be there. She normally would just walk around town, and occasionally hang out with Scott and Stiles, but not tonight. She never really came to the school's lacrosse games, but tonight was different. Stiles had explained to her the other day that Scott had made first line. He was actually going to be able to play for once, and she couldn't miss that.

She just had to find a spot to sit up on the bleachers. She thought about sitting with Stiles, the coach had given up on making her leave the player's bench a long time ago. He finally gave in and said that Stiles needed someone to keep him company so he doesn't bug him anyway. She thought against sitting with him this time, though. She had only decided not to because of the fact that his dad, and unfortunately her dad as well, were sitting a few rows right behind him. She didn't really want to have to be so close to him while hanging out with one of her friends. So, she had to now find a new spot to sit in where she could still see the game and wouldn't feel trapped. "Hey, Maddie!" a voice called out to her.

She searched for who ever had called her name and saw Allison sitting with an older man on one side of her, her dad most likely upon seeing how much they looked alike, and Lydia on her other side. She was waving for her to come up. She bit her lip, not really wanting to sit with them. Did she have a real choice, though? The game was going to start any minute now and she needed a seat to sit in. She sighed before giving her a weak wave and making her way up to her. Allison and Lydia scooted down a little and made room for her to sit in between her and her dad. Scott had given her the full story on the way back to the school for the game in the car. Maddie and Lydia did not get along . . . at all. Maddie gave her dad a forced small smile as she squeezed by him and sat down in the seat Allison had made for her.

Lydia rolled her eyes, muttering under head breath quickly before huffing in annoyance. If it wasn't bad enough that the girl crashed Jackson's party and made a fool of herself, now she was making another fool of herself now by sitting where she won't be wanted by the end of the game. "So Scott told me that you're one of his friends. You should have said so earlier in the hall." she said to her with a genuine smile. Maddie just gave her a small shrug, not knowing what to tell her. She knew that Scott and Allison were kind of together, but that didn't mean that they had to be friends too. They just had to tolerate each other. Maddie knew that it was mean to think like that, but she just didn't want another friend. Allison realized that the girl beside her didn't want to talk and turned away from her, turning her attention back to the game.

Maddie kept her eyes locked on the field. She felt really bad, but she just didn't want to go through fighting to trust someone new. The whistle blew, telling them that the game was now starting. At least that made it easier for her to not talk to the game was started and Scott was off, as were all of the other players. The three girls seemed to get really invested into the game as the boys they all respectively liked played their hearts out to get the first point. Unknown to Maddie, Allison's father, Chris, had noticed something off. Not with Scott or any of the other players, but with Maddie herself. Some of the cover up she had used had come off since she had applied it that morning, and he could see the faint color of a dark bruise on her neck.

As she pushed her hair back behind her ear, he noticed that there weren't just bruises on her neck, they were on her face as well. This girl was hiding something, and he was pretty sure of what it was. Now obviously wasn't the time or place to question her about it, though, if he were to ask her at all. His attention was brought back to the game when the two girls on the other side of the girl beside him started cheering very loudly. Maddie gave Lydia an unbelievable look, not believing that she was cheering on her boyfriend for shoving Scott down like he had. She tried to ignore her as the game went on, but it only got worse when she saw Jackson knocked over another one of the team members onhis own team to get the ball in his net. She felt her heart drop when she noticed the number on the fallen player. It was Isaac. Lydia just shot her a smug look in return. "Looks like you're little grave digger hook up is being completely over looked . . .again, Mads." she shouted down to her with another smug look, seeming to be pleased with her insult.

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