chapter 12

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The next morning, was truly the end to their fun, and possibly to the the end of their lives. If anything, it was the end of their friendship. Isaac groaned as he started to wake up from his sleep. He felt all sticky and gross, like he was covered in something. He tried to get up, but something was keeping him from doing so. He could vaguely hear someone calling his name, but he didn't want to wake up yet. When the voice became clearer, he recognized that it was Maddie's voice. What was she doing in his bed room? His eyes fluttered opened slowly and he saw that he wasn't in his room at all. He was still in the graveyard. It was then that he remembered that he had gotten a projector from school so he and Maddie could watch a movie before going home.

Clearly, they never made it home.

He looked down and saw that Maddie was already wide awake. She looked frightened, and he could practically hear her heart beating against her chest. He followed her graze to see what had gotten her so frightened and he felt his own heart drop when he saw what it was for himself. "Oh, crap." he breathed out as he shot up, lifting Maddie up with him. She grabbed the jacket he had laid over her to use like a blanket and held it to her chest, as if she had something to hide. She yanked the bottom of her dress down, knowing that it had ridden up during the night. No matter how much she fixed her dress though, he knew as well as her that they were both very much screwed. Why? Because standing in front of them were both of their dads, and they were not happy to find them here together.

They were officially and completely screwed.

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Two days had past since that morning, and Maddie couldn't have been more sore if she had tried to be. She hadn't seen Isaac since the morning their dads had caught them sleeping in the graveyard together. She felt really guilty for Isaac, mostly because he was stuck cleaning up all the cake that they had thrown around the night before alone. She had been the one to start the cake fight, it was her fault. She knew that the days of no punishments for him were long over now too, which made her feel even worse. She had heard his screams, from his dad bringing him down to the basement again no doubt. She had only been in the Lahey house once before when she was little, but she would never forget it for a second.

She remembered meeting Isaac's older brother, Camden, along with Isaac, himself. He had been so shy, so she hadn't talked to him that much. His brother had been really nice and he had offered to watch them both up stairs while their dads were talking. He had even been nice enough to let her talk on and on about her favorite Barbie doll at the time. She had idolized Camden Lahey when she was a little girl. He was cute, captain of the swim team, sweet, and now that she thought about it, he was a lot like how Isaac was now. Isaac wasn't as much of a jokester as Camden was before he went off to war and was killed out there, but he got his kindness from his brother. He had gotten his curly hair too.

She smiled softly at that thought. She knew that it wasn't anything important, but she had always liked Isaac's curly hair. She didn't know why, maybe just because it was so different from everyone else's straight hair. He got his blue eyes from his brother too, though, in her opinion, his were more bluer then Camden's had been. She found that amazing, she always felt like she was flying in the sky when she looked in his eyes. She was free, and she was safe because she knew that he would catch her if she fell. Now all of that was ruined because she couldn't keep her eyes open. If she had just realized that she was tired and she had said something to him, Isaac would taken her home. If she hadn't started that cake fight with him, he wouldn't be the one in trouble.

Sure, she had gotten her own punishment from her father, but Isaac's was worse. He had to go down there. He had to be locked inside of that freezer again because of her. She had seen it before on accident on that one visit. Camden had been trying to fix one of Isaac's action figures, the arm or something had come off and he wouldn't leave him alone until he fixed it for him. She had wanted to see what her dad was doing and she had followed his voice down to the basement. They were looking at the freezer, talking about something that at the time had been important. Her dad and Mr. Lahey had looked so mad when they realized that she was there, but before they could yell at her, Camden had come running down the basement stairs and he had gotten her.

She sometimes wondered what would have happened if Camden hadn't brought her back upstairs when he did. Would they have locked her inside of that freezer like Mr. Lahey done with both Camden and Isaac? Would her dad have let him? She shook her head, it was bad enough knowing that Isaac was being locked in there. She only knew that too because he had trusted her enough to tell her about it during one of their last visits to the graveyard during his shifts together. She had mentioned one of the punishments that her dad favorited with her, and he told her one that his dad favorited with him.

She glanced up sadly, looking over at the house across the street from her's. She felt her heart skip a beat when she saw Isaac standing in his own window, looking right back over at her inside of her window. She gave him a sad smile, holding her hand up in a wave. He did the same to her from his own window, giving her a smile of his own. Their stare was broken when something suddenly hit her window. She screamed out as she fell back from her window sill. She cried out in pain when she landed on a really sore part of her back. She only looked up when she heard something hit her window again. She gritted her teeth together as she forced herself to get back up from the floor. She moved to her window and lifted it up, only to scream again as another rock came flying through it and had hit her mirror across the room, shattering it completely. She stuck her head out the window then and her eyes narrowed at the two boys standing in front of her house now. "Stiles, you idiot!" she hissed down to the hyper boy.

She wasn't as happy to see them as they had hoped that she would be. She was rather very upset to see them, and they had a feeling that it wasn't because they had just broken something inside of her room. She was more upset with the fact that they had stood her up on the plans they had made, and that wasn't the worst part. No, the worst part was that out of all the days that they could have stood her up, it had to be on her birthday. Of course, she wasn't as mad as she had been that night before Isaac had showed up. Her dad might have mentioned something about them, along with Allison, Lydia, and Jackson, all being locked inside of the school for basically the entire night. Though, that didn't make up for not calling her to tell her that they were alright. "Pssst, Maddie! It's Stiles and Scott!" Stiles whispered very loudly up to her.

She rolled her eyes at the two of them and looked up over at the Lahey house again. Isaac was watching them from his window still. A faint smile appeared on her lips as he caught her eyes again. She mouthed over 'stalker' to him. She couldn't see it, but he knew that he was blushing as he shook his head as her, chuckling at the word she had just said over to him. She shook her head when she saw him roll his eyes at her. She almost stuck her tongue out at him, but the sound of Stiles clearing his throat had reminded her that he and Scott were still down there. She rolled her own eyes and looked back down at them. "I'm not talking to you two," she whispered down to them before her eyes narrowed in on just Stiles. "and you owe me a mirror now, Stiles." she hissed at the hyper active boy.

Stiles just waved her off, knowing that she couldn't be mad at him forever. Scott, on the other hand, was quiet. He had made sure that her dad wasn't home first before they even thought about throwing rocks at her window. He didn't want to get her in anymore trouble then she could already be in. "Come on, Mads! Come out here and hang with us! Scott needs his best buddies! Allison totally dumped his ass!" Stiles attempted to whisper up to her, but once again, his 'whisper'? Well, lets just say Caroline's whisper when she was there with her and Derek was quieter then he was being right now. Course, just because he was loud, didn't mean that he wasn't right. If what he was saying was right? She knew that he was right. She sighed, giving them a look that told them they she had caved.

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