chapter 14

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Maddie had been avoiding Isaac for the past week. She hadn't wanted to, and it had legit killed her to not talk to him, but she knew that she had to. She didn't remember a lot from the night that she had gotten drunk, but she did remember how she had completely thrown herself at Isaac when all he had been trying to do was help her. She couldn't have been anymore embarrassed and ashamed of herself if she had tried to be. She had proved every single thing her dad had ever told her about herself right. She had thrown herself at the first guy who acted like he had really understood her. The only problem was, that Isaac really had cared about her, and she had scared him away by kissing him.

If getting him punished by his dad wasn't already bad enough.

After another long day at school, she was beyond exhausted as she made her way up the stairs to her room. Like with Isaac, she'd been avoiding Scott and Stiles too. More so with Scott, though. She knew that he had at least a clue now of what was going on with her and her home life. She knew that he had seen the bruises that were on her body that night. He had seen her dad shaking her at the school too. It would be a surprise to her if he didn't figure it out by now. Then again, this was Scott that she was talking about here. He wasn't the fastest at figuring obvious things out.

She had finally gotten to her bedroom door and she opened it, fully intending to just go in and sleep away the rest of the day. She was only in the door for a second before she felt the need to scream. Unfortunately, she never got to chance to actually do that. A hand was slapped over her mouth before a sound could come out and she was pressed up against the door as it slammed shut behind her. Her eyes locked fearfully with a familiar pair of blue eyes that were cold and dulled from his pain. She whimpered against his hand, just wanting to be let go off. "Shh, Maddie, I'm not going to hurt you. Just don'tscream." the person whispered to her, pleading for her to just listen to him.

She hesitated, and for a second he thought that she was going to fight him, but then she nodded her head. He searched her eyes, not fully trusting her right away. When he saw that she wasn't going to try to pull a fast one on him, he slowly let go of her mouth. She pressed herself as close to the wall as she could, not wanting to be too close to him. As far as she knew, this guy wasn't the friendly guy who had been driving her home. He had killed those people, and he had attempted to kill her friends too. Her eyes then flickered over toward the window behind him. If she could just get to it long enough, she could open it and someone would hear her screaming. Though, would that really work? She was sure all of the neighbors have heard her screaming before, but not one of them, not even Isaac, have ever lifted a finger to help her.

Without warning, she dived under his arm and hurried on past him. She raced towards the window as fast as she could manage to. She reached out, her finger tips just barely touching the glass of the window before an arm had snaked around her waist and yanked her back. She hit Derek's chest with a small cry of pain before he trapped her arms to her chest with his other arm. He had then moved her away from the window as quickly as he could. "So much for not screaming." he growled out before he tossed her aside, sending her bouncing onto the bed near by them. "I told you that I wasn't going to hurt you, Maddie." he said to her. "I know what you're thinking right now, and I didn't kill those people. Scott and Stiles lied about what happened." he tried to explain to her.

Out of all the places he could have run to, he had come to her house to hide out. She didn't understand why at all. Her dad was a cop, something that he was currently hiding out from thanks to Stiles and Scott. Either he didn't know that little piece of information, or he was as slow as Scott was on a good day. "You do know that my dad is a cop, don't you? I mean, yeah he works late shifts, but he'll notice if I'm hiding someone, who's currently wanted in the town of Beacon Hills, in my room." she made a point of saying to him. Had he really thought this out? Because she wasn't sure that he had.

He rolled his eyes at her. He knew exactly who's house he was in, and exactly what said owner of the house did for a living, but she was the only person that he felt like he could trust right now. She might not know his secret, but obviously the two idiots who did were more trouble then help to him. This being clear to him if not only for the reason that this was twice now that they've sicked the cops on him. "Look, the cops have my house surrounded and guard twenty four-seven right now thanks to your idiotic friends. I can't get in there even if I tried. I don't have anywhere else to hide out. It won't be forever, it'll only be for the weekend." he explained to her, hoping that she gave in and let him stay.

She seemed to think it over for a long few minutes then. Which, put him on edge and made him slightly more frustrated with her. How many times had Derek helped her out when he didn't need to? If he was telling her the truth, which she was going to go on a limb and say that he was, then she owed him one. She sighed, caving in to him. "Fine, but you are sleeping on the floor, far far away from my bed. Like, in the closet far away from my bed." she told him firmly as she pointed to the spot across the room from her bed. He just rolled his eyes at her, but he didn't give her a sappy come back like he would have if it had been Stiles who had said that to him just now.


Derek had tossed around for the hundredth time before he decided that he couldn't find it in himself to fall a sleep. He laid up and looked across the room, his eyes landing on the sleeping form of the girl in the bed. He could see her clearly as she dreamed away. He got up to his feet, tugging on the old sweatpants that she had given him to sleep in. She had told him that they had used to belong to one of her cousins when he had lived in town and babysat her over the night while her dad was working late. They were a little long on him, but other wise they fit just fine on him. They weren't his usual style, but at least it was something for him to wear. Unfortunately, she couldn't find him a shirt to wear with his pants.

He knew that her dad was fast a sleep in his own room, and part of him was angered that a man who did what he did to Maddie could sleep so peacefully at night. Over the past two hours, he'd heard her cry out in her sleep at least three times. Whether it was because of her bruises or her nightmares, he didn't know. He raised up to his feet and silently moved across her room. He stood beside her bed and he heard her heart speed up. She was having another nightmare at this very second. He reached out and ran his knuckle down her cheek, his eyes looking down at her as if he were in a trance. He couldn't help but think of the nights that he had heard Laura crying over their fallen loved ones.

Her heart beat had then slowed back down again, her dreams conquering her nightmares for once tonight. He pulled his hand away from her cheek, not wanting to accidentally wake her up or anything, and he then left her bed side. He moved over to her window and pushed the curtains away as he leaned against it. He knew that this was a stupid idea, but he couldn't hear anyone out and awake around for at least a few blocks. Well, he heard one, but he couldn't see anyone from where he was standing. He glanced back at Maddie when he heard her cry out in her sleep once again. He wanted to help her, but it wasn't like he could change her dreams or anything like that. He sighed, giving up for the night, and returned to his home made bed. Unknown to him, someone had seen him in Maddie's bed room window. Someone who knew who he was, and someone who cared about Maddie enough to be worried. Someone like Isaac Lahey.

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