chapter 17

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A/N: I'm so sorry I couldn't update for ages I was on holidays and then I got home and mum took my phone off me.

Maddie didn't know what to expect from Scott the next time that she had seen him at school or even just around town. She shouldn't have expected much, because in the end? Scott had done nothing. That's right, nothing. He didn't even tell Stiles what had gone down and what he had found out. He was acting like it had never happened. She knew why too. She knew that he didn't want to believe that it was really happening, that a parent was hurting their own child, said child being his own best friend no less. No one wanted to believe what was really happening in the real world. It wasn't happening to them, so they didn't want to believe that it was happening at all. Scott was no different.

Unfortunately, kids like herself and Isaac didn't get to live in that little fantasy. They had to live in reality, where things like children being beaten by their parents did happen. They didn't get to close their eyes and pretend that it wasn't happening. They didn't get nice things like cars for their birthdays. They didn't get the luxury of getting to go to parties or even just going on dates with a person that they liked. They couldn't celebrate birthdays without getting punished for it. They didn't get do overs when they made a mistake or got a bad grade in school. They would always get a punishment that only got worse each and every time they would get them. Isaac got the worst of it, his dad locked him in a freezer.

Knowing all of that, Maddie couldn't believe that this was really happening right now. She was actually going to a school dance, and with a boy as her date no less. Granted, it was just Isaac and they were going as just friends, she was still really excited for this regardless of the details. She had suddenly happy that she taken a little seasonal job for the Christmas season to take up the time that she wasn't volunteering at the hospital and she had been saving up her money since then. When her dad had actually said that she could go, she had taken up the chance to go shopping with Allison as soon as she could. Granted, her dad didn't know who she was going with, but sometimes what he didn't know wouldn't kill her.

She looked down at her dress and she smiled shyly. She couldn't help but feel excited over just being dressed up like this. She just really hoped that Isaac liked it as much as she did. She didn't understand why she was so worried about what he thought, but she just was. It wasn't anything fancy, just a simple baby blue colored strapless knee length dress that flowed out from the waist down. She had a nice white dress shawl to go with it too. Her flats even matched the color to her dress and they had bows on the toes of them. Her hair was curled in ringlets, said curls being left to dangle down past her shoulders. She had gone easy on the make up, just the cover up to hide the bruises on her skin that hadn't completely healed just yet. She had a light colored eye shadow, and even a little lip gloss on as well. It was baby blue glossy color, one that matched her blue dress just like her shoes did.

She glanced out her window, and she could see just barely inside of Isaac's room. She smiled slightly at the sight of him trying put on a tie in front of most likely a mirror inside of his bedroom. He looked up after a moment, as if he knew that someone was looking at him, and he caught her eye. He raised his hand up in a wave, one that she returned with one of her own. She lowered her hand when he did and they both left their windows. She slipped on her other flat and turned to leave her room. She might be going to the dance with Isaac, but he was going to meet her in graveyard in a half hour so their dads didn't know that they were going together. Of course, nothing seemed to be going right for them lately, tonight not being any different from the last. She was on her way downstairs when her dad was coming into house. They both froze, gaping at the other.

She couldn't read his expression, it nothing like she had even seen before on him. She had seen something similar on his face before. It had been the first time that he had hit her. It was then that it dawned on her. He was completely wasted right now, and to make it even worse, he was thinking of her mom when he looked at her. "How dare you wear that? How dare you disrespect me by wearing such a cheap dress? Do you know what the boys down in the station say about you? All they're talking about is you and that Lahey boy in the graveyard. They keep asking me questions. This is all your fault!" he shouted at her. She started to move back up the stairs, but he had caught onto what she was doing. "Don't you run from me, Madeline! This is your fault, and now it's time for a fitting punishment." he said out to her, his voice low and dangerous.

He whipped the bottle in his hands at her. She screamed out as she fell back, letting herself hit the stairs just seconds before the bottle could hit her. She didn't hesitate to run as she turned and scrambled to get back up the stairs. "You get back here, Madeline!" he shouted out as he hurried on after her. She screamed out as he grabbed onto her ankle and yanked her back hardly. She cried out at he started dragging her down the stairs. She tried digging her nails onto the wood, but all it succeeded in doing was breaking her nails and leaving marks down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, he lifted her up by the roots of her hair, holding her tight so she couldn't struggle against him. "You're always nothing but a problem to me, Madeline. You ruined my life." he told her before he tossed her across the room. She screamed out again as she hit the hard floor, sliding roughly into the next room.

Before she could even think of crawling away, he grabbed her wrist and turned her over. She tried pushing him off, and she had succeeded in doing so since he was already off balance since he was drunk. She turned back around and dragged herself forward, trying to get herself out from underneath him. She scrambled onto her knees once she could as she crawled forward to find some kind of momentary shelter. He followed after her, though, crawling faster then she ever could. She tried to go get to her feet, knowing that if she did, she could make a run for it. Where she could run, though? She mentally shook her head at her own question. If she could just get outside and run as far as she could to get away from him until he calmed down, she would be safe.

She had only made it as far as the table before he grabbed ahold of her leg again. She grabbed onto the lamp as he pulled her back. It knocked over, the bulb inside breaking as it fell over. She kicked her leg, trying to get free of him. She pulled herself free once again, but he just pulled her back to him. He picked her up roughly, causing her to cry out in pain from his grip on her wrist. She begged for him to stop, but he never would. "Please, daddy! Please stop! Please!" she begged him, crying out for him to stop. It was like he couldn't even hear her, though. He just growled before back handing her. She cried out as she flew from his grip and down onto the floor. She bounced off of the floor with a thud. She turned her head to look back at him, her eyes widened with fear. He just stalked forward toward her, fuming as he got closer to her. Her screams of pain could be heard all around the block, only silencing when it was finally over.

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