chapter 8

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Maddie was at her locker getting ready to leave school. She was dreading going home, especially today. Tonight was the parent-teacher conference, and she knew that she hadn't gotten a good grade in her math class. She had really tried, but she just didn't understand it at all. She was a little worried about her chemistry grade too, but not as much as she was about her grade in math. She just knew that she would be getting another punishment by the end of the night. She jumped a mile when someone tapped her shoulder. She spun around on her heels to find that it was just Stiles, who was holding his hands up in surrender. "Hey! Whoa, I didn't sneak up on you, Mads. Put the dukes away." he said out to her in rush as he took a step away from her.

She let the breath that she had been holding free from her mouth, lowering her arms as well as she leaned against the lockers. She wanted to tell him that she was just scared, but the words never made it up to her lips. "Sorry, Stiles. I'm just on edge today, I guess. The parent-teacher conference is tonight and I have to go." was what came out of her mouth instead. He gave her a puzzled look, not knowing what had put her on edge. He didn't know about her fear of having bad grades, he had just always thought it was because she was one of those weird kinds of kids who freaked over grades. If anything, he probably thought that she was upset over the latest cougar attack at the video store just the other night.

Stiles knew better, he knew that there was no cougar. He knew what it really was, and he was glad that Maddie didn't. He hated lying to her about Scott's werewolf secret, but he knew that it was only protecting her. "Oh, um, uh, yeah. Right." he said out nervously as he rubbed the back up his neck awkwardly. "So, um, big sixteenth birthday is coming up, Mads! You prepared for the big surprise Scott and me are gonna do for you?" he said to her with forced excitedness. He had just really wanted to change the subject. She shot him a look as she slammed her locker shut. He knew that she hated celebrating her birthday. Stiles groaned and rolled his eyes at her look. "Oh, come on, Mads. You can't seriously hate your birthday, especially not this year." he said out to her, trying to get her excited with him.

It clearly wasn't working, because she still wasn't smiling, let alone acting the least bit interested in what he had to say to her. He would never understand why she hated her birthday so much, and she knew that he never would. He didn't know the trouble she'd gone through every year just to get through her birthday alive. For some reason unknown to even her, her dad hated her birthday even more then she did. Stiles and Scott were both very strange about birthdays, though. They always made a bigger deal out of them then she would have ever imagine anyone else. "It's not different from any other year, Stiles." she told him as she pushed herself off of her locker and started walking down the hallway, Stiles following on behind her.

To Stiles, a birthday was a big thing, especially when said birthday was her's. He made it his job since she never made a big deal for it, to make the biggest deal about it for her. He had even gotten Scott to help him in past years. "Come on, Mads! It's your sixteenth birthday! You have to be a little excited. Scott and me? We're going to take you out for the fanciest dinner that you have ever seen before. You just have to find something pretty to wear, and we'll take care of all the rest." he told her as they turned the corner together. She was trying to speed up her pace, just wanting him to get the hint. This was Stiles though, he never got the hint. "We can even bring along that boyfriend of yours. What's his name again? Oh, right, Isaac! Yeah, we'll bring him too." he continued on.

Maddie suddenly stopped dead in her tracks. She spun around fast on her heels, her confusion clear on her face. Where would Stiles get the idea that she and Isaac were together like that? They were just friends. Granted, they were closer then her and Stiles were in the short amount of time they've been hanging out, but they were still just two close friends as far as she knew. "Isaac and I are just friends, Stiles. Why would you think he was my . . . my boyfriend?" she asked him, stumbling slightly on the 'b' word. She found herself suddenly flustered at the idea of Isaac being her 'boyfriend'. It wasn't that long ago that they were talking about her ever wanting one. Not specificallyhim, but a boyfriend in general.

fixing a broken smile जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें