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Hey guys I hope you guys want me around because I'll be around more! I think I sprained my foot! Wanna know my story? OH COME ON YES YOU DO! Well I'm telling you anyways!
I was chasing my brother for some stupid reason (I think I was trying to catch him for my dads phone maybe idk a lot happened today) anyways! Like I was saying I was chasing my brother my dad was out of the room my mom was vacuuming, I come running out of the hallway and into the living room full speed. I tripped over the vacuums cord bent my toe forward and fell on my foot. But my foot wasn't flat like on the bottom in twisted so the top of my toe went Into the carpet and I bent my foot. Well my mom put my feet side by side and said "Mike it looks dislocated" (Mike my dad) and he looks at her and my foot and while he does this my mom gives like a nervous giggle and I'm sitting there terrified I'm going to have to quit soccer! And idk what's wrong with it because my parents aren't telling me and I'm not in a Hospital! So now I'm laying in my bed with my sprained foot (idk) on a body pillow on my bed.... My mom gave me medication to help stop the pain but it's wearing off :( help me!

AWESOME RANDOMNESS!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora