Because i havent done anything in this book since april.

19 3 4

(Is that creative?)

I was tagged by Cotton_Breeze  (because I'm the most wonderful person of all!!!)

I figured I would secretly skip this tag....... But I looked at this book and my jaw practically broke, i haven't updated this book since April 27th. Yep....... I'm honestly sorry, I just get bored of wattpad easily. So I try and do rps too motivate me back, but it'd just like nope. I promise once winter starts back up and I'm not outside constantly I will be more active! I just hope that you guys don't hate my guts.

Now onto this lovely tag,


1. You must repost all the rules

2. You must answer all thirteen question and then make thirteen questions too be answered (I hope that's right)

3. You have 7 days to complete the tag and then tag thirteen people.  (I'm probably wording these horribly)

5. You must mention who tagged you

6. Must give the tag a creative title.

I hope my title is creative enough, because I'm not creative.

So now the most agonizing part, the questions.

1. What's the grossest thing you have eaten
Soap, yes I've eaten bars of soap. Don't judge I was only like 6.

2. Have you ever been in a fist-fight or watched one?
Does having a fist-fight with my brother count?

3. Be and omnivore or herbivore the rest of your life?
Omnivore I couldn't live without hamburgers XD

4. What's the scariest thing you've ever seen?
I'm not even sure if this counts, (I've never Truly seen anything horrifying)
But on YouTube they were doing an experiment on seeing who would help a lost little girl and this one guy came up and started talking to her and taking this girls hand and saying your mom is over there! I know her! The man actually started dragging this girl and the camera man had to come up and stop him. They ended up calling the police and he was one of the local children kidnappers in the area. I was disturbed.

5. What age would you stay at for the rest of your life? 10,30,60
I would be ten again, because I didn't have my period when I was ten -.-

6. Have you accidentally killed an animal?
Yes I have, I've accidentally killed a chipmunk, funny story actually.
I had captured this chipmunk in my back yard with a bucket, and I threw grass in this bucket and everything, and the chipmunk couldn't get out so I figured I'll keep the chipmunk over night, short story we had a huge storm and when I went outside to check my chipmunk it was floating with the grass.

7. What grade did you hate the most?

1st grade was awful I was so scared of the teacher because she was so mean!
This one kid was told to go to the office to the nurse and she came back with the nurse and she punished this kid because she "bugged the nurse" and a week or too later I got so sick I felt like crying, but I didn't ask to go to the office because I was so scared and I went home with a 103 temperature.

8. What grade did you like the most?
4th grade all the way! The teachers were so nice and the kids all got along it was great!

9. What does your dream boyfriend/ girlfriend look like?

Hmm tan skin,green eyes, brunette hair, no freckles, that's pretty much it, I don't know I'm a very plain person XD

10. If you could be any Pokemon which one would you be?
Pokemon is an anime that's on my bucket list to watch, but I've never truly watched it so I can't say. The only Pokemon I know is pikachu.

11. Disney or Pixar

Disney Pixar movies are always the best so I like them combined, but if I had to pick just one Disney all the way.

12. Be able to swear moldy melted cheese, or sneeze out big pebbles.
I play sports so the constant smell of moldy cheese would make me sick so I would sneeze out pebbles.

13. Worst lie you ever told?
So at school I sit with these boys and these boys are obnoxious and dorky, so t they were talking about some game on this X box and I went to try and act cooler than them (because I know I'm a total looser already) and so I went oh yeah I have that game bragging that I ' have hire scores than them' and they asked me for the username and I was like well it's broke at the moment and so the next day they asked me if it was fixed and I told them no that my brother smashed it with a hammer. I still feel guilty.

Omg that was terrorizing!

Now for me to hand the terror over to my lovelies!

Cotton_Breeze (cuz I love you the most ;)

                                          Now my questions!!
1. If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?

2. What's your favorite dessert?

3.    If you could make any animal in the world your pet what animal would it be?

4. Out of all the books you've read (wattpad counts) which one is your favorite? (It better be mine) no jk

5. Out of all the text slang which one is your favorite?
(Example: ttyl)

6. Daddy's girl/ boy or mom's girl/boy

7. What sport do you play? Or if you don't play sports would you give it a try?

8.  Did I mess anything up in this tag?

9. Do you watch anime?

10. What's your favorite tv show?

11. Favorite character out of any book and why?

12. Was this tag agonizing?

13. If you did this tag how long did it take you?

Omg this tag alone was 1,007 words :0

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