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Dear all creepypasta fans,

Jeff, was bullied

Sally was r-ped

BEN was drowned

Hoodie was betrayed

L.J was abandoned

E.J was a sacrifice,

Lost silver was forgotten

Glitchy red was thought a joke

Liu's love was taken away from him

Masky couldn't help his disorder

Toby couldn't help his ticks,

Though some creepypasta's may be scary,

They're like is in big  ways

Post if...

You would become proxy

You wouldn't run away from slenderman

You would give red a hug with no regret

If you would tell Jeff he's beautiful

If you would cheer up Sally when she's crying

If you love Cheesecake!

If you would play video games with BEN

If you love Toby's tics and twitches

If you would be Jane's friend

If you would dance with E.J, laugh with L.J, or smile with smile dog,

Re-Post if creepypasta's saved your life with their sheer awesomeness!

Because people think they're insane freaks, we KNOW that they're more than that!

With love from Ally_the_unknown  (the original writer)

Dear Friend, I did this for you, I know times are tough for you at the moment, and that you wrote this so you would have something to come back to, but I re-posted this (without copying because it wouldn't let me copy and paste so I did it word for word) out of contagious friendship! I hope this means a lot to you! And remeber no matter how far apart we are, I'll always be here for you ~rose

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