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(I hope you skip this going to be super emotional)
I wondered, I wondered if, if I reach but never touch the stars, will I still go to heaven? Will I still be good enough? I feel I'm not special on ways. I feel I'm too happy in life action but I'm sad and depressed at home. At home I sit there, realizing. That I don't get inspired by anything, all my dreams are fantasy, they'll never come true! I'll never be like rose and fight bad guys with magical and powers, I'll probably never see Alyssa again, Ally_the_unknown 
I'll never find anything I'm positive about, I'm always negative. But the boys at school chase me, but I scare them all away, with lies that I wished I could do. I'm a Therian,furry,cosplayer, a prayer, somebody that loves, but I'm someone who disappoints. I'm never that good, I see these people flying, flying Into the stars, taking there places in gods heart, but I'm still on the floor, trying so hard, so hard, I try not to fail and fall, I try not to break, I try not to cut myself so I can fit all in a jar. A jar will keep me safe. Just hopefully it doesn't break. I'm afraid my parents will lock me away! Say your not the child we wanted! We wanted a special girl that thinks she's special! That she's already touching the stars, but I'm still on the earths surface it's to hard to fly. I will never touch the sky, I'm not 'good enough' they say 'You have no many problems' they say, and that breaks me and makes me fall even farther! The earth is no longer soil! It starts to change into quicksand because I'm falling! And I can't get up! I refuse! It's hard to get up and move on when people, keep pushing you down! 'Your not strong enough' they say 'your weak!' They say! Well here's something. Im not weak! Im strong! Stronger than you'll ever be! They laugh. I clench my fist. I take my broken body and fix myself form every inch I've tried to fit in that jar! Because we all have to suck it up and try! No matter what somebody likes you! And it's your quest to find that person! Go find yourself in a world of words! Or nature! Because I guarantee your love will be waiting there for you! 

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