Horrified (long song lol)

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I'm laying in bed, horrified of you, horrified of the shadows on the wall. Scared that they'll beat me all! Im scarred of videos of people playing horror games! They give me nightmares. They shiver up my spine! And taste so Devine! When they taste your fear they keep coming back to you! I'm horrified, I'm horrified! I can't keep you outta my mind! I'm horrified! I'm horrified! I can't breath! The walls are crashing in! I'm laying here closing my eyes! Feeling the spirits roam and roam! They'll keep on coming! They'll keep on feeding! They like my little fears! They test me to the limits! My imagination! Keeps on creepin! It wants to go further in! While I'm pulling it out! It's a war! I'm horrified! I don't like war! IM HORRIFIED! (Horrified) HORRIFIED! When my lights flicker on and off! It's like a never ending dream! It's just.. So unrealistic! I can't feel you! Not even your soul? Are you even there? Or have I gone insane? Insane? Is the world crashing? Is the world coming down? Are we all insane? Do we fend for our selves? In horrified....

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