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Hey guys, I'm not sure if you read my other books or are even still reading my crap, like honestly I don't even know anymore! But lately I've felt very anxious, like I'm having unnecessary Adrenaline rushes and it makes me feel like people are watching me or something bad is going to happen and I'm going to have to get out of the area quick. So I've just wanted to curl up into a ball and pretend I'm a rock. So in this time I wanted to vent. So I made a boom to write put all my feelings in this book, so it'll be a pretty depressing book so if you like depressing things then I suggest you go read my newest book called silhouettes of the past. Get this! I'm actually trying!  Omg it's a miracle! I'm not sure of I can put a link to my book in this book or not, so I'll either A find it out in my own
Or be yelled at by people who actually read this crap XD

Also I'll start rp after Christmas break and all my school work is caught up. Musicdevil (mostly)

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