The visitors

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Dimitri's Point Of View

I told Kael to let that weasel Rafael and his mate in. He claimed he had something to discuss not that I believed him though, knowing that little bitch I knew there was something he was hiding, he was after something else and that was what I needed to find out.

"Why do you really hate Rafael so much?" Isabelle asked me.

"Rafael is like a parasite, always leeching on whoever he needs, uses them and when he has no further use for them, he discards them. Just look at what he did to his previous alpha, Knox. I knew Rafael when he was just a beta to Knox, he was always ambitious, he plotted and when he saw an opportunity he took it, killing Knox." I said, undeniably pissed at the topic of Rafael.

"Now, Rafael owned the second biggest pack in the whole of the werewolf realm, and it all was obtained by violently taking over small packs. If it were up to me I wouldn't even let him have a seat in the council but he and Valor had some kind of a pact, which was questionable." I debriefed Isabelle.

"Alpha Dimitri," Rafael called, flashing his teeth. Besides him was his mate, Sheila, I haven't really gotten the chance to see her, I only saw her at werewolves parties when she was still mated to Alpha Knox. The treacherous bitch regarded me with a sly smile.

What games were they out to play?

"Hope it isn't much of a problem that we come barging into your pack unannounced." Rafael said stridently.
He had up to ten seconds before I threw his ass out of my territory.

10… 9… 8…

"Oh my, Dimitri, I wasn't aware that you have finally found your mate. She is a peculiar beauty." He said looking at Isabelle with a devious smile. I could feel how uncomfortable she was getting because of this little bastard.

A low growl emanated from me, filling the room.

'Let me tear him apart…' Luca begged within me for his freedom.

"Cool down, I came with an urgent matter I need to discuss with you. In private."

I gazed at my mate and she gave an assuring nod. "We will be able to talk in my office." I gritted, leading the way to my office.

I got seated down in my chair, my fingers crossed against each other as I observed the treacherous mutt.

"Speak." I barked.

"I wasn't aware you found your mate. What is she? Is she a wolf? She doesn't smell like a wolf to me." Rafael began after taking a seat.

"Matters of my mate shouldn't be any of your concern, don't you think." I shot at the twit. Did he just come all the way to waste my time?

"You shouldn't have walked out of the council like that today. Valor is angry by your actions. He is deliberating punishing you." Rafael spoke.

Why was he telling me all this like he cared? I could care less about what the council or Valor plan to do in retaliation.

"Rafael, I think you are the last person to be giving me advice. If that is all I think you should leave." I stood on my feet, it was clear this imbecile had nothing important to really discuss with me other than wasting my time.

"I just wanted to let you know that I'm on your side. Also I will be hosting a ball." He handed me a black invitation card. "It would be great if you could join us." He finally said.

An invite to a ball, Rafael must have something in mind. I needed to know what his endgame was. What the fuck was he planning.

Isabella Point Of View

"Sheila is the name, what's yours?" Sheila said to me with a dangerous smile. Dimitri and Rafael just left for his office and I really wasn't in the mood for little chit chats, my mind was clouded with more important things.

I could feel a powerful storm building inside me, it started since the pack invasion by the red circle. I could feel something strong brewing in me just begging to be let out. Celeste said it was because I was emerging, I have been having weird dreams lately that feels so realistic. And lately my magic has been harder to control. I was spiraling inside and I didn't know what to do to stop it. All I knew was that I needed to find her. Aunt Delilah and I needed to put an end to this once and for all.

"I understand if you don't want to talk to me. I don't blame you, no one wants to be seen talking to the treacherous Luna who betrayed her own mate." Sheila continued in a brittle tone.

"It isn't that, I just have a lot going on that I'm still trying to wrap my head around. But my name is Isabelle." I said with a small smile.

"I know you have probably been told the story of the Luna that betrayed her mate but those stories aren't true, I am not the traitor that everyone glamorized me as, in fact Alpha Knox isn't the victim you all believe him to be. He was a vile monster who mistreated me, he always beat me. He was a bad alpha and a terrible mate." Sheila spoke with tears pouring out from her eyes. But she continued. "Only Rafael ever treated me with respect, that was why when he asked me to help sabotage Knox at the conclave I did it." She continued to weep and I really didn't know what to do or say to her. I sort of felt pity for her. She has been seen as the treacherous Luna but no one really cared to know about her own side of the story, they only cared about judging her harshly.

"It's okay Sheila, no one has the right to judge you for your actions. If your mate was as cruel as you said, then you shouldn't feel bad about what you did. All that matters is that you were able to find love again." I told her in a bid to comfort her.

"No you don't understand, then I didn't know anything about Rafael's true intentions. I had fallen in love with him but instead he just used me to gain more power. Now I'm a prisoner to him." I moved to Sheila's side to comfort her, a part of me wanted to believe that she was just putting on an act but to what end. I couldn't help but feel sorry for her situation. She fell in love with a monster and now she was caged.

"Promise me Isabella, don't make the same mistakes that I did. Don't be used as a pawn in a game for power. Don't make the same mistake I did by trusting as easily as I did." The meaning of her words were clear to me. She was trying to create some doubts about Dimitri in my mind, but I wouldn't fall for this.

"Don't worry about me Sheila, unlike you I know who my mate is and I can lay my life that he would never hurt me or use me. We share a much deeper bond that could never waiver." I watched as her face turned fuming red, she had to be pissed that her plans and act failed. She does not fool me, I see right through her.

"That's good. I was just looking out for you." Sheila sniffled, wiping off her tears. She really is a good actress, I had to applaud her for that. Dimitri and Rafael approached.

"I think it's time that we took our leave." Rafael said to us with a grin before giving a bow to Dimitri who looked more pissed at the visitors.

There was something wrong, I could feel it. Rafael and his mate were up to something, something wicked. Whatever they were up to, this was only the beginning, more storms were ahead of us.

***Author's note****

Hello guys... Hope you are enjoying the book so far. Let me know your thoughts on the book so far… and what do you think will happen in the next chapter. Let me know in the comments and please vote and share the book. If you want to learn more about the book or characters faces you can find me on insta at heischerry

See you next chapter coming out tomorrow!!! Love y'all MWAH!!!

Chapter soundtrack: Please don't say you love me by Gabrielle Aplin

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