Chapter 5

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I grab my clutch and run out of the door after Zoe.

“so were are we going for dinner” i ask Zoe

“Nandos of course  she says as it was obvious.Man i had missed that place.

We step into the restaurant to find everyone there but us. I take a seat with  jack on my right Zoe to my left and Alfie opposite me and Finn next to his left.I’m surrounded by handsome men. 

Zoe introduces me to everyone. ” This is Marcus , Caspar and you have met Jack , Finn and Alfie already.” 

“hi Alexa” they all say in unison.

“hi everyone” I say sheepishly, I’m always  nervous around new people but the fact they were all so hot makes it ten times harder.

Alifies POV

It was obvious Alexa was shy but that’s what makes her so adorable.

I have never believed that love at first sight exists but when I first saw Poppy earlier on today I was proven wrong.

She is beautiful her hair floats its way down her slim body,  her bright blue eyes and a smile that lights up the room.

My thoughts are uninterrupted by the waiter that has come to take our orders.

A little later after our food arrives , we all dig into our meal.Suddenly the silence is broken when Finn complements Alexa on her locket.Finn was such a natural flirt I my self was not so smooth.

“ thank you Finn it was my mums” she reply’s in a sweet voice.

” What do you mean it was your mums ?” Caspar asks whilst laughing.

Zoe Shot Caspar a evil glare and silence fell around the table. Before Alexa almost whispers “My mum and dad died in a car crash a few months ago”

My heart sank, that poor girl must have been through so much. I just wanted to wrap my arms around her to comfort and protect her from the big bad world.

” If you could just excuse us” Zoe says taking a hold of Alexa’s hand and they make there way to the toilets.

“What did you say that for you idiot?” I shout at Caspar. 

” How was I supposed to know her parents are dead?” He snaps back.

“You’re such a dick.” I say angrily at Caspar.

” oh shut up you two” Marcus intervenes.

Alexa and Zoe make there way back to the table.

” I’m so sorry .. I.. I” Caspar stutters.

” No don’t worry about you weren’t to know” Alexa says with a forgiving smile.

Alexa’s POV

I hadn’t planned on telling on any of them about my parents deaths , I don’t want them to be friends or even just spend time with me because they pitied me. I wanted them to do it because they genuinely enjoyed been in my company.

All of the boys seemed to be taking an interest in me and my life back in Italy quizzing me on my interests and hobbies  They seemed most interested in my job as a professional dancer and who I had worked with in my past.

Just as things started go start to go smoothly i reach out for my glass of water and in doing so I knock Alfie’s fanta causing it to spill all over him covering him in the sticky orange liquid. How do i always manage to make such a fool out of my self?

” Oh my goodness I’m so sorry Alfie , I’m so ridiculously clumsy” I say full of panic wishing the ground would swallow me up.

I pick up the napkins and pat Alfie’s stomach trying to get as much of the fanta as i could off his shirt as i did so I could feel his firm stomach beneath his wet shirt.

I stop trying to help after realizing my attempts are in vain. I turn back round and see Zoe with a camera in her hand and all the boys in hysterics.

“I’m so glad I managed to get that in my vlog”

Oh great  me making a idiot of my self will now be able to be seen on the internet my thousands.

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