Chapter 6

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Once we left Nandos Jack , Finn ,Caspar and Marcus decide to have a piggy back race. Zoe runs ahead in front to film it leaving me and Alfie walking alone behind the madness.

” So how come you live in Italy But i haven’t heard you speak Italian once yet.” Alfie says.

” Well here in England I do believe we speak English”

” Just say one sentence , for me” He pleads.

I turn to face him and look him in his warm eyes  ” Ti voglio sempre avere al mio fianco.”  I say not breaking the eye contact.

” What does ..”

” Hurry up you guys” Jack shouts interrupting Alfie.

I run towards The rest of the group my heels clapping against the ground as I run.

” What did you say to me ?” Alfie shouts in that same spot I left him in.

I stop running and turn around and smile at Alfie ” You have just have to learn Italian wont you” I say cheekily.

He runs towards me and the rest of the group and very lightly hits me round my head. Inside I crumble underneath his touch and giggle at how childish we were behaving.

Zoe flags over a taxi and i jump in after her. As the taxi pulls away i wave from the window to all of the boys.It’s strange to think i have only just met them all today , in the short time I spent with them I got to know them all greatly.

It was a short journey back to our hotel.As soon as we reach our room I run and jump onto my bed. It only just struck me how tiered I actually am. Walk over to my suitcase and dig around for my pajama bottoms and a vest top. Once changed i remove all my make up , tie my hair up in a bun and climb into bed. Zoe was sat at the desk editing the vlog of all the adventures that today had held.

I lay in among the soft sheets, recapping in my head  my first day back in England. The moment that sticks most in my mind is me spilling fanta all over poor Alfie.Great way to impress a boy Alexa, you moron.

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