Chapter 8

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” Have you watched my new vlog yet Alexa?”

” No not yet i will now” I reply typing in youtube in my search bar.

I watch the condensed version of yesterday and to my horror Zoe had managed to catch me spilling my drink all over Alfie. Watching this was almost as embarrassing as it was doing it.As soon as the video finishes I scroll down to the comments the top two comments were ” Alexa is so funny” and ” The way Finn looks at Alexa”. 

What? What do they mean “the way Finn looks at Alexa” ? I re-watch the video looking into Finns emerald eyes trying to understand what the viewers meant but I still didn’t understand. I guess there just making it up ,these people will ship anything and anyone.

“Thanks for putting the part of me making a fool of myself in.” I say referring to when I had spilt the fanta.

” it was the best part of the vlog” she says chirpily laughing at my expense.

“If you say so”

Both me and Zoe sit on our separate beds with our ear phones in. I’m on Skype with Rosa.I’m updating her on what I have been up to here in London. I tell her about the comment on Zoe’s video about Finn ,of course even though Zoe is sat a few meters away from me she has no idea about what I am saying as I’m speaking in Italian .  Rosa asks me if I like him, I tell her that I have just met him but he seems like a nice  boy. At this point I am interrupted my Zoe.

“Alexa ?” she says removing her ear plugs from her laptop ,breaking mine and Rosa’s conversation.

I tell Rosa I’ll speak to her tomorrow ,close my laptop and make my way to Zoe’s bed.

“I’m so sorry but Alfie just reminded me that we both have to go to a meeting tomorrow. Is that OK ?” She asks  shyly.

“Yes sure I’ll be fine on my own.” I reply honestly.

“You can spend the day with us if you want Alexa ?” a voice says coming from Zoe’s laptop. Zoe turns the laptop so I appear of the screen along with Alfie ,Jack and Finn.

” That’s a good idea Jack then when me and Alfie are done we can all meet up again?” Zoe chips in.

” I wouldn’t want to be a burden” I say softly.

” Don’t be silly” Finn reassures me.

“Well that’s settled then, Me and Finny will come and pick you up tomorrow morning.” Jack says.

” I look forward to it” I smile.

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