Chapter eleven

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Wow this bed is so comfy if it wasn’t for the fact Joe was coming today I would easily be able to stay here the whole of the day.

I Eventually manage to drag myself out of bed and stumble my way to the shower. The water hits my naked body as I rub shampoo into my wet hair. The smell of fresh strawberries fills the air. Stepping out of the shower I wrap a towel round my body and open the door to mine and Zoe’s hotel room. As soon as I open the door I see Joe sat on the end of my bed. I run towards him and wrap my arms around him and give him a bear hug.

"I’ve missed you so much" I mumble into his shoulder.

"I have missed you to." He says as we pull away.

"These are new" He says tracing  the small birds I have tattooed onto my lower neck/shoulder with his finger.

I then suddenly realize I am only wearing a towel my face heats up and my cheeks turn pink. I then quickly run over to my suitcase and  grab my clothes.

"Just give me one minute" I scurry back into the bathroom to get changed.

Once quickly dressed I re-enter the bedroom, I see Zoe finishing off her hair in-front of the mirror and  Joe is still in the same place I left him , on my bed.

"Are we all ready to go get some coffee then?" I question them both as I pick up my bag.

"Yeh sure you to go and I’ll catch you up once I’m done." 

I reach for Joe’s hand and pull him up from the bed. 

"Come on then Mister" 

He jumps up and we both make our way to the door together linking arms.I understand how this may come across to others but me and Joe have such a close relationship , he’s basically the older brother I never had. I feel like I can be totally myself around him and tell him anything knowing he wont judge me but will comfort me and offer his advice.

As soon as we leave the hotel Joe turns to me." How are you coping?"

I had avoided talking about the loss of my parents until now.I knew that I couldn’t bottle it up any more and that Joe was the right person to talk to about it.

"It’s hard" I barely whisper as I lift my head looking into his eyes.

"I just miss them so much , the house is so empty I walk up and down the cold wooden floor listening to my own footsteps. I don’t think I have ever felt so alone" Tears start to gather in my eyes so I quickly look down the the floor.I don’t want to start crying because I know I wont be able to stop. 

Joe puts his arm around me pulling me close.He doesn’t say anything but he doesn’t need to he just holds me tight , protecting me from the world.

"thank you" I sniffle.

He just smiles looking down at me.I wipe my teary eyes , thank god I decided to wear waterproof mascara today other wise I would look ten times the mess I do now.Joe opens the door to Starbucks letting me walk in first.

"your such a gent." I tease.

We order our drinks and sit opposite each in-front of the window.

Joe leans forwards and rests his and on top of mine."You know you can talk to me when ever you want no matter what it’s about or what time of day it is , big brother Joe is here for you."

I really couldn’t ask for better friends. I just smile in response to Joe.

Alfie’s POV

"Caspar I’m just going to Starbucks do you want anything."

"No thanks , I’m good."

I grab my wallet and stuff into the back pocket of my jeans and head out of the door.

During the short walk to Starbucks Alexa occupies my thoughts.After hearing she is going home early I’m desperate to see her before she leaves.I also can n’t wait to go and stay at her house in Italy. It’s just a shame Finn is coming too , he’s such a nice guy but if Alexa has to choose between me and Finn , well there is no competition there is they.

I walk up to Starbucks and there she is in all her beauty sat in front of the window.Then it strikes me she’s with a boy, he’s holding her hand. But it’s not any boy ,it’s Joe.I’m stabbed with jealousy.Seeing her with someone else causes me so much pain.It then occurs to me that I must have just been staring at them both through the window as they are looking at me puzzled I just wave back with half a smile because that’s I can manage. I finally go into Starbucks.

"Hi, d’you want to join us?" Joe offers. 

"Well I would want to interrupt"

"Just sit down silly" Alexa says tapping the chair next to her with a smile covering her face that lights up the whole room.

I sit myself down next to her.

"You two looked close" I say bravely.

They both burst out laughing.

"me and Joe urghhh , that’s disgusting." Alexa jokes.

A wave of relief blows over me , I still have a chance.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2013 ⏰

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