August 14, 1941

35 2 0

Harvey and Marilyn sat across the table from Grace.

"He did say he was coming, right?" Marilyn looked at Grace, concerned.

Grace nodded, "He said he may be running a little late. He and Wesley went to the other side of the island for the day."

"Oh no." Harvey sighed, staring across the bar. Eugene had begun to stumble towards the booth where the three people sat.

"Hey there." He grinned.

Marilyn rolled her eyes, "Get out of here, Eugene."

He looked coldly at her, "I wasn't speaking to you." He turned away, "I was talking to Grace."

Grace looked up at him, "What do you want?"

He leaned down to face her, "Well, I couldn't help but notice that you don't have a boy sitting next to you, and I was wondering if I could fill the seat."

"Actually, I'm waiting on someone." She smiled at him politely.

He sighed, "Your brother doesn't count."

Her smile faded, "It would if it's the same brother that knocked your lights out."

Eugene's eyes widened, "So it is your brother?"

"Would it just kill you if it wasn't?"

"I can't say I wouldn't be disappointed."

Grace smiled, "Well, move over, he's here." She watched, with a smile on her face, as Billie Joe picked his way through the bar.

Billie Joe stopped walking when he saw Eugene leaning towards Grace. "Scoot over, buddy." He said simply before sliding into the booth beside Grace.

Grace took Billie Joe's hand, and smiled up at Eugene.

"This joker?" Eugene sneered, "What is he giving you? He's so plain."

Grace shrugged, "I guess plain is just my type."

Eugene's eyes narrowed, "I see, that's why you spend time with this lot."

Harvey's eyes hardened, "I've had enough of this, get out of here."

Eugene stared down at him, "I have as much right to be here as any. After all, this is just friendly conversation."

"Eugene," Grace said simply, the polite tone in her voice now gone, "You're wasting your time, as well as ours."

The group smiled up at him as he sneered and walked away.

"I see you have a suitor." Billie Joe smiled at Grace.

Her eyes sparkled with entertainment, "I think one is quite enough for me."

Billie Joe lightly squeezed her hand, and her smile broadened.

"Has anyone seen Marvin?" A voice made them jump. They turned to see Sandra standing above them, "He said he'd meet me here, but he's running late."

The group shook their heads.

"I saw his at the gun range this morning, but we're in different ranks so I didn't have a reason to bother him at work." Harvey said simply.

Sandra nodded, "Alright, have a nice rest of your evening." She turned, with her head low, and walked back to her booth on the other side of the bar.

Marilyn's eyes were low. "I saw him on my way here."

Harvey turned to face her, "Why didn't you tell Sandra?"

"Because he wasn't with Sandra. He was with Beverly Hudson."

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