Chapter XIVI

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The week passed quietly, with the storm gradually subsiding. Graham immersed himself in his work, retreating to his study for long hours, his presence marked by the steady hum of his computer and the occasional rustling of papers. Meanwhile, Regina dedicated her time to nurturing her bond with the younger girls. She spent her days engaging with Izadora and Ravenna, who were eager for her attention and affection.

In contrast, Valeriya, Diana, and Eden remained mostly secluded in their rooms. Eden ventured out sporadically, usually only for meals or brief moments of interaction. Valeriya and Diana, on the other hand, remained largely out of sight, emerging only during mealtimes, their absence a stark contrast to the lively presence of their younger sisters.

With the storm finally cleared, the skies had opened up to reveal a bright, sunny day, and the summer temperatures had returned. Diana, eager to make the most of the remaining days of summer, approached Graham during breakfast with a request.

"Can we go to the plaza this afternoon?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Graham, pouring himself a cup of coffee, shook his head. "I'm afraid not," he replied. "I have a lot of work to do."

"Still?" Eden interjected, her voice tinged with disbelief. "Haven't you been working all week?"

Regina shot a glance at Eden, her own feelings of agreement evident, and then turned her gaze to Graham. She had barely seen him outside of mealtimes and the occasional brief moments before bed, his constant presence in the study a stark reminder of how distant he had become since the storm.

"Why don't you take them?" Graham suggested, glancing up from his coffee.

Regina looked up from where she had settled at the kitchen table with the girls. "Because I don't know my way around here," she replied, glancing at Diana and Eden, "and besides, I've never driven on a freeway."

"You don't have to take the freeway to get to the plaza," Diana pointed out.

"Only country roads," Eden added, her tone matter-of-fact.

Regina sighed, hoping to deflect further. "I'm not licensed to drive here."

Graham waved off her concern. "No problem. Your Maine license should be more than sufficient for now."

"And we can give you directions," Eden said, her eyes lighting up with excitement.

Diana's face brightened with enthusiasm. "It'll be a fun outing for us all."

Eden's grin widened. "And it'll be an all-girls' day."

Ravenna, catching the excitement, jumped up and down in her seat. "Yah!"

Graham smiled and head out the kitchen. "Alright then, I'll leave the keys to the car in the foyer."

Regina frowned, glancing up from her seat. "I can't drive that car," she said, her mind immediately going to the large Escalade.

Graham shook his head, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Not that one. I'm talking about the smaller car."

"I can't believe I'm actually going through with this," Regina muttered, her hands trembling slightly as she gripped the back of a kitchen chair. The thought of navigating unknown roads outside of Storybrooke, with several children in tow, made her uneasy. She had never driven such a distance, nor with more than one child in the car at once.

The girls' faces lit up with excitement, their eagerness evident in their bright eyes and animated chatter.

"Where's Valeriya?" Regina asked, her gaze sweeping the kitchen for her eldest daughter. Valeriya had not yet joined them for breakfast, and Regina felt a pang of worry.

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