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A couple of hours after arriving home, Izadora remained peacefully asleep, her tiny form curled up under the soft pink blanket. Ravenna, her energy finally spent, soon drifted into slumber as well, her gentle snores mingling with the quiet hum of the house. Eden, eager for some rare one-on-one time, wandered over to her parents' room, clutching her new Lego set. She hoped Graham would help her build it, and perhaps they'd share a moment of quiet connection, something she treasured deeply.

Meanwhile, Diana and Valeriya exchanged knowing glances as they whispered their good nights. Once safely out of sight, they began to secretly prepare for the party, their hearts pounding with anticipation. They moved with careful precision, aware of the risks but driven by the need for escape, if only for a few hours. The night promised a taste of freedom, a brief reprieve from the confines of their carefully monitored lives.

"What is it supposed to be?" Regina asked, her gaze lingering on the intricate Lego set box spread out before her.

"It's Hogwarts," Eden replied, her fingers deftly sorting through the colorful Lego pieces scattered across the table by the warm, crackling fireplace.

"Hogwarts?" Regina echoed, her brow furrowing in curiosity.

"You don't know what Hogwarts is?" Eden's eyes widened in surprise. "You're telling me that all the fairytales are real in your world, but you haven't heard of Harry Potter?"

"Who's that?" Regina asked, genuinely puzzled.

Eden turned to Graham, her enthusiasm barely contained. "We have to show her the movies. She's seriously missing out."

Graham chuckled, a knowing smile spreading across his face. "Alright, I'll put on the first one," he said, rising from his seat with a sense of anticipation.

"Wait," Regina interjected, a flicker of recognition crossing her face. "I think I know now. Isn't Harry Potter the kid from those books Henry used to read when he was younger?"

"Yes," Graham confirmed, a touch of amusement in his voice. "I can't believe you almost didn't know who he was. Henry was obsessed with those books."

Eden looked up from the Lego pieces, her curiosity piqued. "Why isn't he living with us? Legally, he's your son, right?"

Regina hesitated for a moment, her eyes meeting Graham's before she spoke. "He doesn't want to be with me," she said softly. "He wants to be with his biological mother."

Eden's brow furrowed. "But she abandoned him as a baby, and you adopted and raised him. Is it even legal for her to take him from you?"

"No," Graham muttered as he started the movie, the soft hum of the opening credits filling the room.

Regina's gaze hardened. "No," she echoed, her voice tinged with frustration. "It's not legal. But it's for the best," she added, her tone resolute despite the hint of sadness in her eyes because at the end of the day Henry was her son. Her only son.

Seeing that her mother was clearly uncomfortable with the topic, Eden decided to change the subject. "Never mind him," she said, her tone lightening. "Could you pass me the instructions for the Lego set? I need to understand how to build this."

Regina nodded, reaching over to grab the instruction booklet. She handed it to Eden with a warm smile. "Here you go," she said. "I'm sure you'll have it figured out in no time."

"Without a doubt," Graham agreed, settling down beside Eden on the floor. He began helping her sort and piece together the Lego set with careful attention.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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