140 9 18

Ok, here's yet ANOTHER thing. So my birthday is on the 18, which is the day a new Mlp episode airs. I decided to to something fun with you all, kind of like a birthday gift to you peeps instead of me. I'm doing a, drumroll please... AN AUTHOUR Q AND A!!! That's right, I'm doing a q&a! All you have to do is leave your questions on this chapter and on the 18th I'll try to answer them! It can be about me, one of my story's, or just one if those unimportant ones. Yes, yes I love you that much XD I'll try to publish my answers on the 18, but I don't know the plan for my birthday, so if I am busy that day, I'll update the day before or after! Thank for staying at Klüb Ice!

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